Version 5, On the Accessory Controls in the Machine Control Panel, does anyone know if there's way to set defaults for the bed and Primary extruder temperatures?
Manually sending M112 from either version does nothing. Re-downloaded the most current Firmware for my machine from Makergear and installed Same results, M112 does nothing. Output when connecting to the printer: Attempting connection at \\.\COM3... READ: start READ: echo:Marlin: 1.0.0 RC2 for MakerG...
Jason, Just to be clear, when I say stopped below, I mean the motors are disabled, bed heater is turned off, extrude heater is turned off, program execution is halted, everything is reset as if the printer was just connected to the computer. I am running Simplify3D Versions 4.1.2 and 5.1.2 on the sa...
Jason, Any word from the programmers about getting the E-Stop to work as in version 4.1.2? Pressing the E-stop button or sending the M112 command will NOT stop the machine. The movement will stop after about 8 more lines of code are executed but the bed heater and motors are never shut off. Currentl...
Since the OP did not reply, do you know if anything has been found about this. I can't imagine the OP and myself are the only 2 that have experienced this behavior. It would be nice if the E-Stop worked as in version 4 and stopped the machine immediately.
Jason, I have realized that getting the check boxes back that we had in version 4 will not happen. After reading all the different comments about the boxes, we will probably not see anything until the next paid version comes out because the check boxes will act slightly different and classified as a...
Always having to select which printer to use is unnecessary when you only have one printer. A checkbox or some way to stop asking would be a welcome addition.
I have the same When using Simplify3D V5.1 I have the same behavior. When I press the E-Stop, approx. 8 more lines of code will be executed before the x, y and z are halted and the nozzle stops extruding plastic. The axis motors are still enabled and holding position and the heaters for the bed and ...