Posts: 19
Joined: Mon Jun 03, 2013 2:24 pm

Micro Z height adjustment while printing

I'd love to see this implemented in S3D rather than relying on having a newer printer with this feature in their firmware. It's the ability to nudge up or down the Z height while printing so you can adjust the first layer to be perfect without having to re calibrate the Z level of the machine (especially with older machines that don't have auto leveling). You can adjust the Z height in microsteps (less than .1mm) while the brim is going down then your first layer of your print will be perfect. Is there a way to add this to the machine control dialog? It would be just like adjusting flow or speed.
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Joined: Tue Mar 06, 2018 10:35 am
Location: Philadelphia PA Area

Re: Micro Z height adjustment while printing

do you have a bionic eye? How can you make it perfect without measuring the thickness of the layer. There is already a z offset in S3D you can use if you don't have the ability to configure your z offset in the firmware. Print a calibrations model and adjust the z offset in S3D so it is the model prints at the proper height and you are done.. This can not be done by eye if you really want it correct. I.E. 3mm tall wall is 3mm when printed..not 2.92 or 3.05
Posts: 431
Joined: Mon Feb 01, 2016 11:36 am

Re: Micro Z height adjustment while printing

After a few hundred prints, you know what you;'re looking for on the first layer. I'll watch the brim print, and if something needs a bit of a tweak, I can nudge one or two of the bed level screws on my machine to tighten or loosen the first layer where it needs it.

It's not an unreasonable request. With expansion and contraction of machine parts with temperature, different filament properties, etc ... and for me it's not about knowing that the first layer height is within a couple hundredths of a millimeter, it's about getting a clean first layer that's going to bond well enough to the build plate.

If a machine doesn't have an accessible mechanical adjustment, a little nudge during the first layer print can be helpful.
Posts: 19
Joined: Mon Jun 03, 2013 2:24 pm

Re: Micro Z height adjustment while printing

Exactly, and being able to nudge on the fly while the machine is printing the brim is a great feature to have. The first layer is the most important.

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