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Proper documentation and more support for variables

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 8:11 pm
by gearsawe
I am requesting proper documentation and better usage for variable support.

for example I tried to use [retract_distance] in my start code but it was not working it just shows as [retract_distance]. But with trail and error I found it works in the retract section. this was not very useful.
I would assume all the variables listed at the beginning of the gcode file could be used. but this is not the case. secondly things [current_layer_num] or [prev_layer_num] seem to be missing.
The ability to do math would be good to. This would allow you to do things like move the head to the center. Example
G0 X{Math [X_Max]/2} Y{Math [Y_Max]/2}
would convert to G0 X100 Y100 given X_Max and Y_Max are 200.
There could be many more options!

Re: Proper documentation and more support for variables

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 7:21 pm
by strips
I could not agree more!

These are things I'm also looking for.

Having used S3D a few years and been relatively happy these small issues is stacking up ang getting more and more annoying.

Re: Proper documentation and more support for variables

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 8:17 pm
by SusiT140V
The information available about how S3D works over the last two years has improved, but the majority of that available is still provided by the Community.

For the amount of money paid by so many people, I would have thought by now that it was high time a PROPER IN-DEPTH manual on every single function is not too much to ask.
Things like how each setting interacts with others should have been done years ago!

Everything from the company itself has been delivered in a disjointed piecemeal fashion, mainly in answers to questions.

C'mon guys, you know we deserve better...

Oooh, and maths fuctions would be awesome! :)

Re: Proper documentation and more support for variables

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 1:48 pm
by S3D-Jake
This is excellent feedback, everyone! I'll be watching this topic for gauging interest in exposing additional variables for use by more advanced users.

Re: Proper documentation and more support for variables

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 12:53 am
by antbarney
Big Plus one here, I would love some better IF statement logic to be available so they could be used on any variable and maybe even throw in IF THEN ELSE as it stands now this seems to only work for {IF OLDTOOL=x} or {IF NEWTOOL=x} which is very limiting.

Some full full documentation (not some forum post) about what variables can be used, would also be nice.

And why not have all variables usable in every script section, why limit them to just a few.

Re: Proper documentation and more support for variables

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 7:30 pm
by dkightley
User Documentation...…..YES IT IS NEEDED!

Not a lot else to say on the subject.....

Re: Proper documentation and more support for variables

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 2:52 pm
by DirkT

a current documentation is very important. I hope for a timely solution. Thank you.



Re: Proper documentation and more support for variables

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2019 9:35 am
by Aha
Please, Please, Please some clear documentation on what's available! Even a clearer site post would be really good!

Maybe not the ends of the earth documentation, but a decent amount and a clear list of variables and usage would be really helpful! Things are really not executing as expected under the layer change and toolchange scripts and we need some more info!

Re: Proper documentation and more support for variables

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2019 12:17 pm
by rotus8

Re: Proper documentation and more support for variables

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 11:02 pm
by RoboDLC
For the love of god, will you PLEASE document scripting variables!!!
For years you have relied upon power-users to document this program. It is time for you to do it.

It is not possible to get a decent multi-color print without them.
This could kick every other slicer's butt if you did this.

P L E A S E!