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cull prime pillar

Use case:

I'm printing PLA in extruder 0 and PVA in extruder 1. I use the PVA exclusively for soluble supports. When I print with a Primer Pillar, it does a great job of alternating the extruders and priming them on the pillar. However, the pillar is taller than it needs to be in many cases as less and less supports are needed as one progresses vertically up the print in many cases. Unfortunately, when there are no more tool (extruder) changes left in the file, it still prints layers all the way to the top. This is less than ideal in many cases.

Feature Request:

If "cull top" is selected for the prime pillar; then after the pillar is generated the layers should be counted (N) from top toward bottom until the extruder changes or the bottom is reached. N-1 layers should then be popped off the top deleted.
example of a prime pillar which could easily be culled.
example of a prime pillar which could easily be culled.
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Joined: Sat Dec 09, 2017 4:52 am

Re: cull prime pillar

You can already do this. Just use the variable settings wizard and then turn off the prime pillar for the top process.

I use this all the time on taller prints to choose exactly where I want the pillar to stop (sometimes, it helps to let it go a few more extra layers to prevent oozing)
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Re: cull prime pillar

This cull can and should be a checkbox. I understand that I can effectively hack it on a per print basis. For that matter, I could write my own g-code post processor if I wanted to. But that doesn’t negate the feature request.
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Re: cull prime pillar

I agree! Just a fill box like "stop prime pillar at layer xxx" I know you can stop the pillar with variable settings but when you are printing with dual heads it makes it complicated if not impossible and dual prints is the place where pillars are needed most. It would prevent failed prints due to the pillar coming loose at the end of the print. It would be nice to have the same option on the ooze shield.
Thank you
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Re: cull prime pillar

Hmmm, just getting my new dual head working, and I'd agree with this feature. Seems like it could be left simple for now, just the calculation you recommended, and let someone else hack it further if they have a bunch of on/off stuff they end up doing.
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Re: cull prime pillar

Again, they already let you do this using the variable settings wizard. Just choose the location where you want to stop the prime pillar and then disable it for the process it creates. I've used it many times and it works great.
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Re: cull prime pillar

It seems to make more sense to make it the opposite--"continue pillar with final extruder" or something like that, default to off. But yes, this is definitely a +1
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Re: cull prime pillar

Agreed, I am looking for this too
Posts: 7
Joined: Mon Dec 17, 2018 4:21 am

Re: cull prime pillar

Oh God this is not Simple
I always get "Processes must be un-grouped"
so if you have a Dual Head, you want to use the Dual Extrusion Wizard
Though if you want to Kill the Prime Pillar on the top section (to save like 15 hours and 3 tonnes of filament) on the top half of the priocess you really need to kill it on the Group (or both or at least one of them at a time)
so it doesn't it work on a Group and it doesn't work after it is Grouped
and you cant seem to use the Variable settings wizard on any single un-grouped process
so the whole thing is certainly not simple, and I cant find any possible way to do the above
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Joined: Mon Dec 17, 2018 4:21 am

Re: cull prime pillar

It does not seem possible to combine toe Dual Extrusion Wizard with the Variable Settings wizard, that seems to make this Illogical and Impossible

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