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Re: Color Change on Single Extruder

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 4:14 pm
by adrian_hudson
One way of doing this is to include the following code in the "Additional terminal commands for post processing" box on the Scripts tab in your process settings

{REPLACE "\n; layer 999," "\n;***PAUSE***\nM83\nG1 E-1.0 F6000\nG91\nG1 Z10.0\nG90\nG1 X10 Y10 F6000\nM84 E0\nM0\nM82\nG92 E0\n;layer 999,"}

Change the 999's (there are two of them) to the layer number you want the printer to pause at and start your print. When the printer is just about to print the layer you have indicated it will retract the filament 1mm, move the head up 10mm and go to position 10,10 and pause. Simplify3D will pop up a box telling you to press resume when you are ready. Change the filament and press resume.

Hope this helps.