Posts: 12
Joined: Sat Sep 15, 2018 11:57 am

Warm buildplate and nozzle after each other.

Hello all,
thanks for accepting me, I'm a 71 years old Dutch bloke wit an Anet A8 and AM8 printer.
And no extensive computer / programming skills
I'm using Simplify3D what a great program.
But there is on thing I'll like to alter.
During the warmup phase my nozzle reaches the desired temp quicker than the buildplate.
Is ther a way, for instance with a start script to warmup the buildplate and after that temp is reached the nozzle heater will start.
The reason I'm asking is that while the buildplate is warming up the nozzle of my printers start to leak filament.
And I have to print 4 skirt outlines in order to prime the nozzle properly.
Tha leaking annoys me, so please help me.

best regards Piet.

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