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Joined: Sun Jan 07, 2018 8:53 pm

extrusion issue, regular lines on sides of print.

Just got S3D, i had been using Cura. In cura, at even faster speeds, my calibration cubes has smooth sides, now using S3D, i'm having regular lines on the sides of the print. The normal advice is that this is an extrusion issue of some kind. What gives??
I am using the measured filament width, (1.72mm) i had on the old software. The Extrusion multiplier had been 0.9, I changed it to 1.0, but it had little if any effect.
What's going wrong?

The green cube on the left was from a few days ago, same brand of filament, but using cura.
The white cube on the right is what i'm getting now, using s3d...
Posts: 80
Joined: Wed Feb 07, 2018 4:26 pm

Re: extrusion issue, regular lines on sides of print.

Check to see what the acceleration and jerk are set to in Cura.

Copy those values into this g code, then place it into the starting script somewhere on S3D

M204 S1500 ; default acceleration, change the numbers after S
M205 X15.00 Y15.00 ; maximum X Y jerk, change the numbers after X
Posts: 1374
Joined: Sun Jul 17, 2016 1:32 pm

Re: extrusion issue, regular lines on sides of print.

That is the S3D curse! That sawtooth pattern on the edges. One thing you can try is to set the start points to aligned at specific point (bottom selection) this should align them all on one edge.
I found a touch of negative restart helped but that has a trade off. I eventually found that this was only a big issue on test cubes and not so much in real world printing.
Posts: 421
Joined: Sat Dec 09, 2017 4:52 am

Re: extrusion issue, regular lines on sides of print.

Usually, that just means that you still need to refine your retraction settings. If you attach your S3D gcode file and the gcode for the other print, it should be easy to see what may need to be adjusted.

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