Posts: 42
Joined: Wed Dec 13, 2017 7:41 am

issue adjusting nozzle offset of second nozzle

so I am trying to adjust the offset of the right nozzle on my raise 3d n2 plus dual since the default offset (-25 x, 0 y) is resulting in a minor layer shift when I switch nozzles. I have been trying to simply print a series of 8x8x8 cube with the bottom half printed by the left nozzle and the top half printed by the right nozzle with different offsets in the gcode settings for each cube, however what I was getting were totally identical offsets in every cube, I have since realized that changing the offset in one of the processes changes it for all processes in the following images, and attached factory file, process 1 applies to the bottom half of all 3 cubes, process 2 applies to the bottom left cube and has the default (-25 x, 0 y offset), process 3 applies to the bottom right cube (and was supposed to have a -25.1 x, 0 y offset) and process 4 applies to the top cube (it was supposed to have a (-25 x, .1 y offset) the first image is the gcode with all three upper processes set to the default
, in the second one, I simply adjust process 3 to have a (-50 x, 0 y offset) and as you can see it moves the offset of all three
and then I reset process 3 to (-25,0), and changed process 4 to (-25,25) and again, it moved all three processes for the upper half
I can't upload the factory files since they are bringing me over the size limit even compressed.

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