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Re: Profiles saved in the form of .ini files or similar

CompoundCarl wrote:If you want the first layer options to change when you select a different quality, then you just need to add that option to your auto configure settings. They already allow you to customize this and change any settings you want for the material or quality, so you can set it up however you like. Personally, I think it would be a big pain to have to customize my first layer position for every single material, so thankfully they allow us to all customize it however we want instead of forcing everyone to use the same preferences.
Thanks for the pointers! That helps a lot. I'm going to be adjusting params via the *.fff from here on out. I like the fine grain control.

LOL-bots Tazzie 6rs can only can print the first layer at .425 mm no matter what you print the rest of the layers at. I don't know why they are so particular but hey! I'm stuck with them now! Now, would I buy another one?

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Re: Profiles saved in the form of .ini files or similar

Maybe its mentioned before, but maybe the profile/settings system could be backed up to ?
Make it configurable, it settings, Untick 'use windows registry for saving profiles' and tick 'use online storage for saving profiles'.

I have 3d printers at work and at home, if I tweaked and printed someting at work and want to print more with these settings at home, I need to do screenshot of all the settings and numbers i've tweaked or write them down, I was thinking since it checks your licence online it would just as well keep updated settings stored on Simplify3D's settings will be in sync if at work or at home.
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Re: Profiles saved in the form of .ini files or similar

catohagen wrote:Maybe its mentioned before, but maybe the profile/settings system could be backed up to ?
I am exporting each profile as *.fff and using my Git repo to back it up. You can do the same. Git repos are free if they are public. Just don't give anyone the rights to mess with it and you have a free repo for your profiles.

Here is mine as an example;

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Re: Profiles saved in the form of .ini files or similar

I totally agree! S3D handles profiles in a completely retarded way. I too have 3 3D printers to manage and use many exotic materials, not just PLA and ABS. Neither of those materials are useful for any engineering related production.

It would also be nice to be able to save my profiles in case of a machine crash - I could lose months of work. Sure, I can write them all down in a book, isn't that real 1980's ish.

With different machines, different materials and different requirements for each, the way S3D does it is useless and totally confusing. And, I also agree, factory files are useless - and they don't even work properly. I get ridiculous error messages when I try to use them anyway. And, can you imagine the file maintenance nightmare in having to rebuild EACH related factory file for EACH machine and EACH material EACH time you make a modification to a part? Holy crap, it would be a nightmare and would be error prone as hell. The first rule of programming and data management is to never unnecessarily duplicate objects. It's called First Normal Form. Using Factory Files would violate this immediately and create a nightmare.

S3D is okay as a slicer. But, the programmers who made it are obviously very inexperienced in data and code management. Probably hackers. A real programmer would write this application much differently.
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Re: Profiles saved in the form of .ini files or similar

hgear wrote:I totally agree! S3D handles profiles in a completely retarded way. I too have 3 3D printers to manage and use many exotic materials, not just PLA and ABS. Neither of those materials are useful for any engineering related production.

It would also be nice to be able to save my profiles in case of a machine crash - I could lose months of work. Sure, I can write them all down in a book, isn't that real 1980's ish.
Did you even read this thread? The post above yours has someone talking about how exactly they do version control and back up their profiles. Also, I'm pretty sure ABS is one of the more commonly used thermoplastics for injection molded parts and the most common for 3D printed plastic end use components, so you may want to reconsider your broad statement there.
hgear wrote:With different machines, different materials and different requirements for each, the way S3D does it is useless and totally confusing. And, I also agree, factory files are useless - and they don't even work properly. I get ridiculous error messages when I try to use them anyway. And, can you imagine the file maintenance nightmare in having to rebuild EACH related factory file for EACH machine and EACH material EACH time you make a modification to a part?
There's also several links and threads showing you how you can set up the profiles to store whatever you want in the autoconfigures. For example: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=5445&p=23576#p23576

I've never had an error opening factory files, but maybe you have something different going on. Post another thread with the factory file and one of us can try to help you, or you could try emailing S3D support.
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Re: Profiles saved in the form of .ini files or similar

catohagen wrote:Maybe its mentioned before, but maybe the profile/settings system could be backed up to ?
Make it configurable, it settings, Untick 'use windows registry for saving profiles' and tick 'use online storage for saving profiles'.

I have 3d printers at work and at home, if I tweaked and printed someting at work and want to print more with these settings at home, I need to do screenshot of all the settings and numbers i've tweaked or write them down, I was thinking since it checks your licence online it would just as well keep updated settings stored on Simplify3D's settings will be in sync if at work or at home.
Well that answers my question... I have two computers and two different printers. I have previously been using each printer over USB on each computer. I now want to use them both on a single computer. I was hoping that in the printer dropdown I might see my other printer. Sadly not.

I am now looking for a way to sync printer settings over LAN or web so that if I make a change to a process or printer it will sync it to the other computer. What is the point in logging in on both computers with the same account when it doesn't sync your account settings to the web?? :roll:
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Re: Profiles saved in the form of .ini files or similar

Why would you want all your processes tied to one part? Some people, like me, rarely print the same thing twice. So the factory file is never to be used again. Within the program needs to be more organized for selections. I think many people are not printing the same thing over and over again.
I am still trying to make since of the organization. So far, no luck. I waste a lot of time and my machines sit idle too much dialing in settings or remembering what changed, or what thing is being used etc.
I would like to start my use of the software each time by selecting a printer! After that I don't even want to see the options for the other printers anymore until I go back and select a different printer to work with.
Once I select a printer, then things can break down further from there
Filament brand
filament type
filament color
Basic High Quality Printing
Basic Medium Quality Printing
Basic Fast Printing
Custom this or that settings
Custom this or that settings
Custom this or that settings
etc etc...

Or something that makes more sense like that. Why does everything start with the part and work from there....
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Re: Profiles saved in the form of .ini files or similar

The fact is Simplify3D stores important information in processes. Some print jobs use multiple processes, and to say "it's only for that one print" denies the obvious: Nobody should need to set up all the processes for a pint each time they print. The information they enter should be persistent. "It's supposed to work that way" also denies the unpredictability, showing poor software design and bug management. It's SUPPOSED to randomly delete your processes?! Seriously?! No, I don't think so. This is an unaddressed bug and unaddressed bugs are the reason I won't buy the new version. Seriously, actually the reason for Simplify3D revenue problems: They don't fix bugs. And yes, processes contain substantial work over and above what profiles contain. You can't just say "don't rely on them being saved".


Fix it.
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Re: Profiles saved in the form of .ini files or similar

This thread is many years old now, but I can at least confirm that the feature requested by the original author was already added in S3D V5. The profiles are now saved as XML files on the filesystem and no longer using the registry like they did in V4. This makes it much easier to backup your profiles or transfer them to a different computer. Thanks for the great request and hopefully the new 5.0 version is working much better in this regard!

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