When instructing the printer, the area is X-120 x Y 135 x Z 100. G28 is the front right corner.
What I need is for S3D to respect the printers inverted X -axis.
"Simplify3D 4.0.0" on 64 bit Windows 7 Pro, on i5-650, 8GB DDR3, 3TB SATA2, Radeon 17.12.1 on AMD R7-2XX 2GB DDR5. Controlling a "Powerspec i3 Mini" over USB2. Machine Type is "Cartesian robot." Firmware Configuration profile is "RepRap." Chipset is "ATMEGA2560." Firmware is "Marlin 1.1.4."
"Wanhao" is the original manufacturer, and "Wanhao i3 Mini" would be this machines designation, but although it is listed as supported by S3D, it is not listed as an option for a new setup. I had to use the "Wanhao i3" profile as the starting point. Additionally, this machine was customized by Powerspec, inverting the location of the build plate.
So the issue is that I have to fight the software to not invert everything because the coordinates are all inverted. S3D wants to use real numbers, the printer uses inverted numbers. I have tried to use the machine definition options to configure the bed so that all settings are uniform, but so far to no avail. Its seems every time they look right it is still backwards like S3D thinks I am an idiot and needs to reverse my settings. I feel like the solution should be simple and maybe I am an idiot. I have tried using the flip axis, changing the offset, and the homing direction.
S3D also likes to put the X=0 Y=0 in the front center of the build plate. Lets just ignore what happens when you send code written like this to the printer.
On the upside the prints that did run, looked great. I hope the coordinates issue is the only real fight.