Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Feb 18, 2019 3:05 am

G1 E-4.5000 F3000 in start of GCODE??


I'm new here in the forum. I have a Vertex K8400 that I'm tuning in. But I have a question regarding the GCODE from Simplify3D.

In the start of the code, just after the STARTING SCRIPT END there is a retraction of -4,5, (G1 E-4.5000 F3000) why is it there and where can I disable it?

At least what I can see this makes the nozzle empty for the first part of the print.

Part of the code

Code: Select all

G92 E0
G1 E-4.5000 F3000
G1 Z0.100 F1002
; process Process1
; layer 1, Z = 0.100
; tool H0.100 W0.420
; skirt
G1 X83.779 Y85.602 F15000
Complete start of GCODE

Code: Select all

; G-Code generated by Simplify3D(R) Version 4.0.1
; Feb 18, 2019 at 8:50:19 AM
; Settings Summary
;   processName,Process1
;   applyToModels,TempBrack22mm
;   profileName,Velleman K8400 Dual Egen (modified)
;   profileVersion,2019-02-17 18:13:36
;   baseProfile,Velleman K8400 Dual (modified)
;   printMaterial,PLA
;   printQuality,Medium
;   printExtruders,Right Extruder Only
;   extruderName,Right Extruder,Left Extruder
;   extruderToolheadNumber,0,1
;   extruderDiameter,0.35,0.35
;   extruderAutoWidth,1,1
;   extruderWidth,0.42,0.42
;   extrusionMultiplier,1.1,1
;   extruderUseRetract,1,1
;   extruderRetractionDistance,4.5,4.5
;   extruderExtraRestartDistance,-0.1,-0.1
;   extruderRetractionZLift,0,0
;   extruderRetractionSpeed,3000,3000
;   extruderUseCoasting,0,0
;   extruderCoastingDistance,0.2,0.2
;   extruderUseWipe,0,0
;   extruderWipeDistance,5,5
;   primaryExtruder,0
;   layerHeight,0.1
;   topSolidLayers,3
;   bottomSolidLayers,3
;   perimeterOutlines,2
;   printPerimetersInsideOut,1
;   startPointOption,2
;   startPointOriginX,0
;   startPointOriginY,0
;   sequentialIslands,0
;   spiralVaseMode,0
;   firstLayerHeightPercentage,100
;   firstLayerWidthPercentage,100
;   firstLayerUnderspeed,0.5
;   useRaft,0
;   raftExtruder,0
;   raftTopLayers,5
;   raftBaseLayers,2
;   raftOffset,3
;   raftSeparationDistance,0.14
;   raftTopInfill,100
;   aboveRaftSpeedMultiplier,0.3
;   useSkirt,1
;   skirtExtruder,0
;   skirtLayers,1
;   skirtOutlines,8
;   skirtOffset,0
;   usePrimePillar,0
;   primePillarExtruder,999
;   primePillarWidth,12
;   primePillarLocation,7
;   primePillarSpeedMultiplier,1
;   useOozeShield,0
;   oozeShieldExtruder,999
;   oozeShieldOffset,2
;   oozeShieldOutlines,1
;   oozeShieldSidewallShape,1
;   oozeShieldSidewallAngle,30
;   oozeShieldSpeedMultiplier,1
;   infillExtruder,0
;   internalInfillPattern,Rectilinear
;   externalInfillPattern,Rectilinear
;   infillPercentage,15
;   outlineOverlapPercentage,15
;   infillExtrusionWidthPercentage,150
;   minInfillLength,5
;   infillLayerInterval,1
;   internalInfillAngles,45,-45
;   overlapInternalInfillAngles,0
;   externalInfillAngles,45,-45
;   generateSupport,0
;   supportExtruder,0
;   supportInfillPercentage,30
;   supportExtraInflation,0
;   supportBaseLayers,0
;   denseSupportExtruder,0
;   denseSupportLayers,0
;   denseSupportInfillPercentage,70
;   supportLayerInterval,1
;   supportHorizontalPartOffset,0.3
;   supportUpperSeparationLayers,1
;   supportLowerSeparationLayers,1
;   supportType,1
;   supportGridSpacing,4
;   maxOverhangAngle,60
;   supportAngles,0
;   temperatureName,Right Extruder,Left Extruder
;   temperatureNumber,0,1
;   temperatureSetpointCount,1,1
;   temperatureSetpointLayers,1,1
;   temperatureSetpointTemperatures,210,0
;   temperatureStabilizeAtStartup,1,0
;   temperatureHeatedBed,0,0
;   temperatureRelayBetweenLayers,0,0
;   temperatureRelayBetweenLoops,0,0
;   fanLayers,1,2
;   fanSpeeds,0,100
;   blipFanToFullPower,0
;   adjustSpeedForCooling,0
;   minSpeedLayerTime,15
;   minCoolingSpeedSlowdown,30
;   increaseFanForCooling,0
;   minFanLayerTime,45
;   maxCoolingFanSpeed,100
;   increaseFanForBridging,0
;   bridgingFanSpeed,100
;   use5D,1
;   relativeEdistances,0
;   allowEaxisZeroing,1
;   independentExtruderAxes,0
;   includeM10123,0
;   stickySupport,1
;   applyToolheadOffsets,0
;   gcodeXoffset,0
;   gcodeYoffset,0
;   gcodeZoffset,0
;   overrideMachineDefinition,1
;   machineTypeOverride,0
;   strokeXoverride,200
;   strokeYoverride,180
;   strokeZoverride,190
;   originOffsetXoverride,0
;   originOffsetYoverride,-20
;   originOffsetZoverride,0
;   homeXdirOverride,1
;   homeYdirOverride,1
;   homeZdirOverride,-1
;   flipXoverride,1
;   flipYoverride,-1
;   flipZoverride,1
;   toolheadOffsets,0,0|23.7,0|0,0|0,0|0,0|0,0
;   overrideFirmwareConfiguration,1
;   firmwareTypeOverride,RepRap (Marlin/Repetier/Sprinter)
;   GPXconfigOverride,r2
;   baudRateOverride,250000
;   overridePrinterModels,1
;   printerModelsOverride
;   startingGcode,; STARTING SCRIPT START,G28 ; home all axes,M218 X0 Y0 T0 ; tool 0 offset,M218 X23.7 Y0 T1 ; tool 1 offset,,,,G1 Z15.0 F9000 ;move the platform down 15mm,G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length,G1 F200 E10 ;extrude 10mm of feed stock,G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again,G1 F9000,; STARTING SCRIPT END
;   layerChangeGcode,
;   retractionGcode,
;   toolChangeGcode,
;   endingGcode,; ENDING SCRIPT START,G28 X Y ; Go home only X and Y,G0 Z190 ; Get extruder out of way,; Disable all extruder,G91 ; Relative positioning,{IF_EXT0}T0,{IF_EXT0}G1 E-1 ; Reduce filament pressure,M104 T0 S0 ; turn off right extruder,{IF_EXT1}T1,{IF_EXT1}G1 E-1 ; Reduce filament pressure,M104 T1 S0 ; turn off left extruder,G90 ; Absolute positioning,G92 E0 ; Reset extruder position,,M84 ; disable motors,; ENDING SCRIPT END
;   exportFileFormat,gcode
;   celebration,0
;   celebrationSong,Random Song
;   postProcessing,
;   defaultSpeed,4800
;   outlineUnderspeed,0.5
;   solidInfillUnderspeed,0.8
;   supportUnderspeed,0.8
;   rapidXYspeed,15000
;   rapidZspeed,1002
;   minBridgingArea,50
;   bridgingExtraInflation,0
;   bridgingExtrusionMultiplier,1
;   bridgingSpeedMultiplier,1
;   useFixedBridgingAngle,0
;   fixedBridgingAngle,0
;   applyBridgingToPerimeters,0
;   filamentDiameters,1.75|1.75|1.75|1.75|1.75|1.75
;   filamentPricesPerKg,200|46|46|46|46|46
;   filamentDensities,1.25|1.25|1.25|1.25|1.25|1.25
;   useMinPrintHeight,0
;   minPrintHeight,0
;   useMaxPrintHeight,0
;   maxPrintHeight,0
;   useDiaphragm,0
;   diaphragmLayerInterval,20
;   robustSlicing,1
;   mergeAllIntoSolid,0
;   onlyRetractWhenCrossingOutline,1
;   retractBetweenLayers,1
;   useRetractionMinTravel,0
;   retractionMinTravel,3
;   retractWhileWiping,0
;   onlyWipeOutlines,1
;   avoidCrossingOutline,0
;   maxMovementDetourFactor,3
;   toolChangeRetractionDistance,12
;   toolChangeExtraRestartDistance,-0.5
;   toolChangeRetractionSpeed,600
;   externalThinWallType,1
;   internalThinWallType,1
;   thinWallAllowedOverlapPercentage,10
;   singleExtrusionMinLength,1
;   singleExtrusionMinPrintingWidthPercentage,50
;   singleExtrusionMaxPrintingWidthPercentage,200
;   singleExtrusionEndpointExtension,0.2
;   horizontalSizeCompensation,0
M106 S0
M104 S210 T0
M104 S0 T1
M109 S210 T0
G28 ; home all axes
M218 X0 Y0 T0 ; tool 0 offset
M218 X23.7 Y0 T1 ; tool 1 offset
G1 Z15.0 F9000 ;move the platform down 15mm
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length
G1 F200 E10 ;extrude 10mm of feed stock
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again
G1 F9000
G92 E0
G1 E-4.5000 F3000
G1 Z0.100 F1002
; process Process1
; layer 1, Z = 0.100
; tool H0.100 W0.420
; skirt
G1 X83.779 Y85.602 F15000
G1 E-0.1000 F900
G92 E0
G1 X86.115 Y84.312 E0.0512 F2400
G1 X91.475 Y85.951 E0.1589
G1 X92.709 Y88.174 E0.2077
G1 X92.202 Y90.079 E0.2456
G1 X92.093 Y90.653 E0.2568
G1 X92.027 Y91.234 E0.2681
G1 X92.003 Y91.819 E0.2793
G1 X92.022 Y92.403 E0.2905
G1 X92.084 Y92.985 E0.3018
G1 X92.188 Y93.560 E0.3130
G1 X92.333 Y94.126 E0.3242
G1 X92.520 Y94.680 E0.3354
G1 X92.747 Y95.220 E0.3467
G1 X93.012 Y95.741 E0.3579
G1 X93.315 Y96.241 E0.3691
G1 X93.653 Y96.718 E0.3804
G1 X94.026 Y97.168 E0.3916
G1 X94.430 Y97.591 E0.4028
G1 X94.865 Y97.982 E0.4141
G1 X95.326 Y98.341 E0.4253
G1 X95.813 Y98.666 E0.4365
G1 X96.322 Y98.953 E0.4478
G1 X96.851 Y99.203 E0.4590
G1 X97.396 Y99.414 E0.4702
G1 X97.957 Y99.584 E0.4815
G1 X99.997 Y100.047 E0.5217
G1 X102.048 Y99.583 E0.5621
G1 X102.608 Y99.413 E0.5733
G1 X103.153 Y99.202 E0.5845
G1 X103.682 Y98.952 E0.5958
G1 X104.191 Y98.664 E0.6070
G1 X104.677 Y98.340 E0.6182
G1 X105.139 Y97.981 E0.6294
G1 X105.573 Y97.589 E0.6407
G1 X105.977 Y97.167 E0.6519
G1 X106.350 Y96.716 E0.6631
G1 X106.688 Y96.239 E0.6744
G1 X106.991 Y95.739 E0.6856
G1 X107.256 Y95.218 E0.6968
G1 X107.483 Y94.679 E0.7081
G1 X107.669 Y94.124 E0.7193
G1 X107.815 Y93.558 E0.7305
G1 X107.918 Y92.983 E0.7418
G1 X107.980 Y92.401 E0.7530
G1 X107.999 Y91.817 E0.7642
G1 X107.975 Y91.232 E0.7755
G1 X107.908 Y90.651 E0.7867
G1 X107.799 Y90.076 E0.7979
G1 X107.293 Y88.174 E0.8358
G1 X108.527 Y85.951 E0.8846
G1 X113.888 Y84.313 E0.9922
G1 X116.223 Y85.602 E1.0435
G1 X116.818 Y87.793 E1.0871
Any suggestions?
Posts: 8
Joined: Wed Aug 23, 2017 5:33 am

Re: G1 E-4.5000 F3000 in start of GCODE??

pastebin or screenshot of your start code script in s3d would be helpful
Posts: 1052
Joined: Wed Jun 20, 2018 12:45 pm

Re: G1 E-4.5000 F3000 in start of GCODE??

Hi guys,

The initial retract is done before the move to the skirt. You'll also see that after moving to the starting point of the skirt that the E value is advanced to -0.1 mm which is correct according to your assigned extra restart distance of -0.1mm.

If you want to remove that retraction use the following Replace command in your terminal commands for post processing script box.

"A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song."

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