Sun Apr 16, 2023 4:39 am
It happens virtually with ANY of the previous factory files I had no issues on with v4.
This is L-A-M-E.
I cant send the files, they're from customers.
Here, two more in a ROW.
Translated Report (Full Report Below)
Process: Simplify3D [15181]
Path: /Applications/3D/*/
Identifier: com.simplify3d.S3D-Software-V5
Version: 5.0.2 (???)
Code Type: X86-64 (Translated)
Parent Process: launchd [1]
User ID: 501
Date/Time: 2023-04-16 10:35:50.8856 +0200
OS Version: macOS 13.3.1 (22E261)
Report Version: 12
Anonymous UUID: 41F4FDAA-DA47-995E-55D7-DC00BCEA34BE
Sleep/Wake UUID: 4E16EA2A-78D2-4BE8-B025-EDB269A9A2B3
Time Awake Since Boot: 99000 seconds
Time Since Wake: 1367 seconds
System Integrity Protection: enabled
Crashed Thread: 22 Thread (pooled)
Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
Application Specific Information:
abort() called
Thread 0:: Dispatch queue:
0 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x7ff817b82b4e _platform_memmove$VARIANT$Rosetta + 174
1 AppleMetalOpenGLRenderer 0x1130dbfb8 GLDTextureRec::uploadTextureLevel(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, GLDBufferRec*, unsigned char*, int, int, int, id<MTLCommandBufferSPI> () block_pointer, void (objc_object<MTLCommandBufferSPI>, unsigned int) block_pointer, void (void () block_pointer) block_pointer, void (void () block_pointer), GLDPixelModeRec const*, bool, bool) + 2806
2 AppleMetalOpenGLRenderer 0x113114485 gldModifyTexSubImage + 1899
3 GLEngine 0x7ffa2f292d71 glTexImage2D_Exec + 1929
4 libGL.dylib 0x7ffa2f271190 glTexImage2D + 55
5 Simplify3D 0x1015da866 0x10074f000 + 15251558
6 Simplify3D 0x1015da410 0x10074f000 + 15250448
7 Simplify3D 0x10180812e 0x10074f000 + 17535278
8 Simplify3D 0x1012b8824 0x10074f000 + 11966500
9 Simplify3D 0x1012b8b12 0x10074f000 + 11967250
10 Simplify3D 0x1012bd8ff 0x10074f000 + 11987199
11 Simplify3D 0x1012e5a56 0x10074f000 + 12151382
12 Simplify3D 0x1013bcd04 0x10074f000 + 13032708
13 Simplify3D 0x1012b14b9 0x10074f000 + 11936953
14 Simplify3D 0x1012b26b0 0x10074f000 + 11941552
15 Simplify3D 0x101d19447 0x10074f000 + 22848583
16 Simplify3D 0x101d1a181 0x10074f000 + 22851969
17 Simplify3D 0x100fc85d8 0x10074f000 + 8885720
18 Simplify3D 0x100fc8ca8 0x10074f000 + 8887464
19 CoreFoundation 0x7ff817c2ea36 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 17
20 CoreFoundation 0x7ff817c2e9d9 __CFRunLoopDoSource0 + 157
21 CoreFoundation 0x7ff817c2e7b6 __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 217
22 CoreFoundation 0x7ff817c2d43a __CFRunLoopRun + 916
23 CoreFoundation 0x7ff817c2ca4c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 560
24 HIToolbox 0x7ff821b5efcd RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292
25 HIToolbox 0x7ff821b5edde ReceiveNextEventCommon + 657
26 HIToolbox 0x7ff821b5eb38 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 64
27 AppKit 0x7ff81ac1e7a0 _DPSNextEvent + 858
28 AppKit 0x7ff81ac1d64a -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 1214
29 AppKit 0x7ff81ac0fcb8 -[NSApplication run] + 586
30 Simplify3D 0x100fc7bde 0x10074f000 + 8883166
31 Simplify3D 0x101d15f86 0x10074f000 + 22835078
32 Simplify3D 0x101d19ad2 0x10074f000 + 22850258
33 Simplify3D 0x100e07366 0x10074f000 + 7045990
34 dyld 0x20283f41f start + 1903
Thread 1::
0 runtime 0x7ff7ffc47694 0x7ff7ffc43000 + 18068
Thread 2:: Qt bearer thread
0 ??? 0x7ff8a771a9a8 ???
1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x7ff817b1b29e poll + 10
2 Simplify3D 0x101d58554 0x10074f000 + 23106900
3 Simplify3D 0x101d59998 0x10074f000 + 23112088
4 Simplify3D 0x101d15f86 0x10074f000 + 22835078
5 Simplify3D 0x101bcbe75 0x10074f000 + 21483125
6 Simplify3D 0x101bcca94 0x10074f000 + 21486228
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x7ff817b531d3 _pthread_start + 125
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x7ff817b4ebd3 thread_start + 15
Translated Report (Full Report Below)
Process: Simplify3D [15225]
Path: /Applications/3D/*/
Identifier: com.simplify3d.S3D-Software-V5
Version: 5.0.2 (???)
Code Type: X86-64 (Translated)
Parent Process: launchd [1]
User ID: 501
Date/Time: 2023-04-16 10:37:31.1426 +0200
OS Version: macOS 13.3.1 (22E261)
Report Version: 12
Anonymous UUID: 41F4FDAA-DA47-995E-55D7-DC00BCEA34BE
Sleep/Wake UUID: 4E16EA2A-78D2-4BE8-B025-EDB269A9A2B3
Time Awake Since Boot: 99000 seconds
Time Since Wake: 1468 seconds
System Integrity Protection: enabled
Crashed Thread: 31 Thread (pooled)
Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
Application Specific Information:
abort() called
Thread 0:: Dispatch queue: com.Metal.CommandQueueDispatch
0 ??? 0x7ff8a771a9a8 ???
1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x7ff817b145b2 mach_msg2_trap + 10
2 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x7ff817b2272d mach_msg2_internal + 78
3 IOKit 0x7ff81aac3bfa io_connect_method + 405
4 IOKit 0x7ff81aac3a01 IOConnectCallMethod + 186
5 IOGPU 0x7ff835db9c35 IOGPUCommandQueueSubmitCommandBuffers + 181
6 IOGPU 0x7ff835daa310 -[IOGPUMetalCommandQueue _submitCommandBuffers:count:] + 502
7 IOGPU 0x7ff835daa0f7 -[IOGPUMetalCommandQueue submitCommandBuffers:count:] + 65
8 Metal 0x7ff8216ccdd6 -[_MTLCommandQueue _submitAvailableCommandBuffers] + 794
9 Metal 0x7ff8216d44ab __40-[_MTLCommandQueue submitCommandBuffer:]_block_invoke + 26
10 libdispatch.dylib 0x7ff8179b2033 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
11 libdispatch.dylib 0x7ff8179bfba1 _dispatch_lane_barrier_sync_invoke_and_complete + 60
12 Metal 0x7ff8216d446f -[_MTLCommandQueue submitCommandBuffer:] + 112
13 AppleMetalOpenGLRenderer 0x114fc467c GLDContextRec::flushContext(bool) + 488
14 AppleMetalOpenGLRenderer 0x114faa74f gldBlitFramebufferData + 11114
15 AppleMetalOpenGLRenderer 0x114fab341 gldPresentFramebufferData + 787
16 GLEngine 0x7ffa2f2953a9 glSwap_Exec + 105
17 OpenGL 0x7ffa2f06997b CGLFlushDrawable + 59
18 AppKit 0x7ff81af4ee6d -[NSOpenGLContext flushBuffer] + 20
19 Simplify3D 0x102e97149 0x102601000 + 9003337
20 Simplify3D 0x1034917fa 0x102601000 + 15271930
21 Simplify3D 0x1036ba770 0x102601000 + 17536880
22 Simplify3D 0x10316a824 0x102601000 + 11966500
23 Simplify3D 0x10316ab12 0x102601000 + 11967250
24 Simplify3D 0x10316f8ff 0x102601000 + 11987199
25 Simplify3D 0x103197a56 0x102601000 + 12151382
26 Simplify3D 0x10326ed04 0x102601000 + 13032708
27 Simplify3D 0x1031634b9 0x102601000 + 11936953
28 Simplify3D 0x1031646b0 0x102601000 + 11941552
29 Simplify3D 0x103bcb447 0x102601000 + 22848583
30 Simplify3D 0x103bcc181 0x102601000 + 22851969
31 Simplify3D 0x102e7a5d8 0x102601000 + 8885720
32 Simplify3D 0x102e7aca8 0x102601000 + 8887464
33 CoreFoundation 0x7ff817c2ea36 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 17
34 CoreFoundation 0x7ff817c2e9d9 __CFRunLoopDoSource0 + 157
35 CoreFoundation 0x7ff817c2e7b6 __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 217
36 CoreFoundation 0x7ff817c2d43a __CFRunLoopRun + 916
37 CoreFoundation 0x7ff817c2ca4c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 560
38 HIToolbox 0x7ff821b5efcd RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292
39 HIToolbox 0x7ff821b5ec14 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 199
40 HIToolbox 0x7ff821b5eb38 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 64
41 AppKit 0x7ff81ac1e7a0 _DPSNextEvent + 858
42 AppKit 0x7ff81ac1d64a -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 1214
43 AppKit 0x7ff81ac0fcb8 -[NSApplication run] + 586
44 Simplify3D 0x102e79bde 0x102601000 + 8883166
45 Simplify3D 0x103bc7f86 0x102601000 + 22835078
46 Simplify3D 0x103bcbad2 0x102601000 + 22850258
47 Simplify3D 0x102cb9366 0x102601000 + 7045990
48 dyld 0x2045a041f start + 1903
Thread 1::
0 runtime 0x7ff7ffeca694 0x7ff7ffec6000 + 18068
Thread 2:
0 runtime 0x7ff7ffee887c 0x7ff7ffec6000 + 141436
Thread 3:
0 runtime 0x7ff7ffee887c 0x7ff7ffec6000 + 141436
I only opened the files, addded some extra supports and upon slicing or saving, BOOM.