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Reduce Print Speed for Short Internal Single Extrusion


Version 5 user here.

Can you guys put an option to reduce the speed of short Internal Single Extrusions?

There is a feature to reduce the speed for short perimeters and it works great. Unfortunately if you have the Thin Wall Behavior > Internal Thin Wall Type set to "Allow Single Extrusions" any "Internal Single Extrusion" within the short perimeters will print at regular speeds. The movement of the extruder is of course trying to print the internal single extrusion at regular speeds, rather than the Short Perimeter speed limitation set in Speeds > Speed Overrides > "Reduce print speed for short perimeters". Because of this the perimeters print, internal and external, but the internal single extrusion that fills the chimney walls of the benchy do not fill.

Since it is not considered as a solid infill (it is a separate feature type) it's speeds are not controlled by the speed settings in Speeds > General > Default Printing Speed > Solid Infill Speed. You can of course change the setting to perimeters only. But some layers don't allow for a perimeter to fit in.

Shown in picture layer 222 you can see the chimney of the benchy is hollow. Because "allow single extrusions" is off. When you turn it on those layers are filled with internal single extrusions. But because they're printing at regular speeds they don't extrude.

I was wondering if yalls could put in a feature to reduce the speed for Short "Internal Single Extrusions". Version 5 already identifies them as a separate feature colored dark green. It would have the same setting options like the setting for "Reduce print speed for short perimeters"

It would look like this:

Reduce print speed for short internal single extrusions
Begin reducing speed for internal single extrusions below [80.0] mm
Minimum short internal single extrusion speed percentage [25] %

Please and Thank you for all the new quality of life improvements in v5.0
point2mm allow single extrusions.fff
(32.15 KiB) Downloaded 664 times
Internal Single Extrusion.jpg
Hollow Chimney.jpg
Posts: 1547
Joined: Sun May 31, 2015 6:01 am

Re: Reduce Print Speed for Short Internal Single Extrusion

Great idea! I know single extrusions tend to be quite weak since they are usually pretty short and fragile. It would definitely help to print those at slower speeds.

Do you think as a starting point the single extrusions could use the same speed settings as the perimeters? For example, you print an external single extrusion using the same speed as an external perimeter. You could even re-use some of the small perimeter slowdown settings, since a 10mm long perimeter probably needs to be slowed down just as much as a 10mm long single extrusion.
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Re: Reduce Print Speed for Short Internal Single Extrusion

Great starting point! Likely the speed would be the same anyways, unless they want to specifically differ in speeds for some odd reason. I think just being able to control the speed is paramount.
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Re: Reduce Print Speed for Short Internal Single Extrusion

I just ran into this 'hollow' feature when printing my benchy. Thanks for posting the settings, it helped me out and fill the gaps.
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Re: Reduce Print Speed for Short Internal Single Extrusion

S3D-Jason wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 12:29 pm Great idea! I know single extrusions tend to be quite weak since they are usually pretty short and fragile. It would definitely help to print those at slower speeds.

Do you think as a starting point the single extrusions could use the same speed settings as the perimeters? For example, you print an external single extrusion using the same speed as an external perimeter. You could even re-use some of the small perimeter slowdown settings, since a 10mm long perimeter probably needs to be slowed down just as much as a 10mm long single extrusion.
Was this ever implemented? Been checking every update but seems like it's low on the priority list, or not even on the list at all.
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Re: Reduce Print Speed for Short Internal Single Extrusion

I don't believe it was added yet. There's other features that had far more interest from customers, and that's typically how we try to prioritize what to work on. We continually monitor all these threads though, so we will keep updating the priorities as additional users express interest.
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Re: Reduce Print Speed for Short Internal Single Extrusion

S3D-Jason wrote: Thu Sep 07, 2023 1:25 pm I don't believe it was added yet. There's other features that had far more interest from customers, and that's typically how we try to prioritize what to work on. We continually monitor all these threads though, so we will keep updating the priorities as additional users express interest.
Is there a way to manually do this while the feature hasn't been implemented? So I can do it for myself? lol I feel like if I saw the code for perimeters I could write the code for short internal extrusions myself, just change the object the speed settings are referring to "perimeters -> short internal extrusions" and I would be able to get it working for myself. Unfortunately I don't know the base code so I would need to copy and paste the code and change the references to perimeters to short internal extrusions.
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Re: Reduce Print Speed for Short Internal Single Extrusion

May I ask if this feature has been added yet? I'm looking for this as well
Posts: 13
Joined: Fri Jul 21, 2017 4:49 pm

Re: Reduce Print Speed for Short Internal Single Extrusion

S3D-Jason wrote: Tue Jan 02, 2024 1:58 pm Not added yet. Same answer as above:
Is there any chance this will get implemented? It's been 9 months, this feature is dying to be born!

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