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Build Time not displayed on preview on MacOSX

I have install the last available version of Simplify3D 5.1.2, and since this moment I cannot see the Build time anymore, on Windows it work fine.
Does somebody has this issue ?

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Re: Build Time not displayed on preview on MacOSX

Have you tried loading old factory files to see if it shows the build time for those? Maybe it's just an issue with some of your recent settings.

I haven't seen any issues with the build times in V5.1.2 on my Mac if that helps.
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Re: Build Time not displayed on preview on MacOSX

Yes I am having the exact same issue. I updated to macOS Sonoma (on Intel Mac) and Simplify 3D 5.1.2, now my build time is gone. If you click the detailed statistics under the build summary you will see that it is not calculating the travel time correctly. I sent this issue to Simplify 3D a couple of weeks ago, they said they were looking into it, but I've heard nothing since. Hopefully they fix soon, its is very annoying.
Build Time Error.png
Last edited by Iron_Ringer on Sat Nov 04, 2023 10:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Build Time not displayed on preview on MacOSX

Can you attach a factory file that demonstrates the issue?
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Re: Build Time not displayed on preview on MacOSX

It occurs on every single file I use. Here is one. This may have something to do with the fact that my Mac is an Intel Mac, not an M1 or M2. Simplify 3D recently updated their software to perform better on M1 and M2 Macs, but that may have messed up Intel Macs.
Test File.factory
(971.02 KiB) Downloaded 385 times
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Re: Build Time not displayed on preview on MacOSX

Iron_Ringer wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 9:31 pm It occurs on every single file I use. Here is one. This may have something to do with the fact that my Mac is an Intel Mac, not an M1 or M2. Simplify 3D recently updated their software to perform better on M1 and M2 Macs, but that may have messed up Intel Macs.
Test File.factory
The processor architecture may have something to do with it. I get a valid build time on my M2 MacBook Pro.
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Re: Build Time not displayed on preview on MacOSX

I just tested that factory file on a few Intel Macs and it worked fine on all of them as well. In fact, I haven't found a computer yet where that file causes any issue with the displayed build time.

Just to check, have you had this happen on more than 1 computer? You may want to try resetting all settings to see if that resolves the problem.
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Re: Build Time not displayed on preview on MacOSX

Unfortunately I don't have another computer to test it on. I tried resetting all settings and that did not help. Are your Intel Macs running Sonoma? Because that's when I noticed the issue, as soon as I updated to Sonoma, it work perfectly before upgrading to Sonoma.

I've uninstalled and re-installed Simplify 3D, I've even gone back and reinstalled older versions of Version 5 and that didn't help. But Version 4 does work, so I don't know what is going on.
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Re: Build Time not displayed on preview on MacOSX

Yes, I tested it on an Intel Mac with Sonoma and it worked fine. Tested 2 other Mac OS versions as well. Thus far haven't been able to reproduce any issues with that file.
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Re: Build Time not displayed on preview on MacOSX

I tried uninstalling/reinstalling again, and I noticed that when I reinstalled it already had all my profiles and even the last model I was using. I used the executable file, but obviously not all files were deleted if it remembered my settings and model. Do you know how I can completely uninstall the software (in case there is something in the old files causing my issues)?

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