Small play between perimeter, but only in the first few mm?
I used a lot debugging time on this, and now i need some hints.
Ender3 S1 PRO, printed with PLA.
All my print is so nice and i think most wont see my problem as a problem.
When printing perimeter, i see the first few mm is a little thinner then the rest of the perimeter. It make small play between them but only in the first few mm.
All printed with NO retraction or other pull back of filament, and no move over surface.
You see it when changing direction as printing a cube (direction change 90 degree)
I have tested with, temperature, layer high, extrusion with, speed, jerk, and more, and nothing make any difference. It is exactly the same.
The extruder is calibrated and all print nice, just not the first few mm....
For med it look like the extruder is a little behind the move in x,y direction (under extrusion in the first few mm)
What can that be?