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E-Stop and Pause Not Working

V5 seems to have broken E-Stop and Pause (at least for my MakerGear M2). I would highly appreciate a fix for this.
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Re: E-Stop and Pause Not Working

We have several M2's here, and it seems to be working fine on the ones I tested. Can you confirm what version of Simplify3D you are using?

For example, if I am running a print and I click the E-stop button, the print instantly stops and the machine comes to a halt. If you try those same steps do you see different behavior?
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Re: E-Stop and Pause Not Working

I have the same
When using Simplify3D V5.1
I have the same behavior. When I press the E-Stop, approx. 8 more lines of code will be executed before the x, y and z are halted and the nozzle stops extruding plastic. The axis motors are still enabled and holding position and the heaters for the bed and nozzle are still on and stay at set temperature.

When using Simplify3D V4.1.2
When I press the E-Stop, instantly the axis motors are disabled, table drops, extruder stops, heaters are turned off.

Both versions are installed on an updated Windows 10 computer.
Printer is the
Makergear M2 2014 Rev. B.1
Running from USB port
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Re: E-Stop and Pause Not Working

For the OP, does you M2 also stop after the E-stop is pressed?
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Re: E-Stop and Pause Not Working

Since the OP did not reply, do you know if anything has been found about this. I can't imagine the OP and myself are the only 2 that have experienced this behavior. It would be nice if the E-Stop worked as in version 4 and stopped the machine immediately.
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Re: E-Stop and Pause Not Working

Any word from the programmers about getting the E-Stop to work as in version 4.1.2?
Pressing the E-stop button or sending the M112 command will NOT stop the machine. The movement will stop after about 8 more lines of code are executed but the bed heater and motors are never shut off.
Currently running version 5.1.2
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Re: E-Stop and Pause Not Working

We have seen very few mentions of this issue, so it seems like it only affects a few very old firmwares. Have you tried updating to newer firmware for your printer?

For example, if you look at the Marlin documentation for the M112 command, it very clearly says that it should turn off motors and heaters.

So if you send M112 to your printer, but that doesn't happen, it might be using an outdated or buggy version of Marlin.
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Re: E-Stop and Pause Not Working

Just to be clear, when I say stopped below, I mean the motors are disabled, bed heater is turned off, extrude heater is turned off, program execution is halted, everything is reset as if the printer was just connected to the computer.
I am running Simplify3D Versions 4.1.2 and 5.1.2 on the same computer, printer (with the most updated firmware they offer for it), USB connection, mouse, keyboard, ...., you get the idea. The ONLY change on my end is the software. Whatever codes or other program sequences that were output from Simplify3D in version 4.1.2 stopped my machine when I clicked on the E-Stop button. The codes or program output from Version 5.1.2 do not stop my machine. If the version of Marlin I have does not support the M112 command, then Simplify3D found a way to stop the machine without it in Version 4.1.2 and took that away in the current Version. I'm only asking that I get the same program output from Version 5.1.2 that I get from 4.1.2 so my machine will stop when I need it to stop. It could be that you have very few mentions of this because people have not needed or tested the E-Stop yet. You might hear more when they NEED to stop the machine because of a trapped hand or some other emergency and the button does not work.
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Re: E-Stop and Pause Not Working

Just to check, if you manually send M112 to the machine while the motors and heaters are turned on, does it turn everything off? That will at least help us confirm if the firmware is working correctly.

Can you also confirm the Marlin version and release date for your firmware? It is usually printed out right when you connect.
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Re: E-Stop and Pause Not Working

Manually sending M112 from either version does nothing.
Re-downloaded the most current Firmware for my machine from Makergear and installed
Same results, M112 does nothing.

Output when connecting to the printer:

Attempting connection at \\.\COM3...
READ: start
READ: echo:Marlin: 1.0.0 RC2 for MakerGear M2
READ: echo: Last Updated: 2012-05-30 | Author: johnny
READ: echo: Free Memory: 4775 PlannerBufferBytes: 1232
READ: echo:Using Default settings:
READ: echo:Steps per unit:
READ: echo: M92 X88.88 Y88.88 Z400.00 E471.50
READ: echo:Maximum feedrates (mm/s):
READ: echo: M203 X500.00 Y500.00 Z250.00 E200000.00
READ: echo:Maximum Acceleration (mm/s2):
READ: echo: M201 X9000 Y9000 Z30 E10000
READ: echo:Acceleration: S=acceleration, T=retract acceleration
READ: echo: M204 S3000.00 T3000.00
READ: echo:Advanced variables: S=Min feedrate (mm/s), T=Min travel feedrate (mm/s), B=minimum segment time (ms), X=maximum xY jerk (mm/s), Z=maximum Z jerk (mm/s)
READ: echo: M205 S0.00 T0.00 B20000 X20.00 Z0.40 E5.00
READ: echo:PID settings:
READ: echo: M301 P25.89 I1.94 D86.53
READ: echo:SD init fail
READ: ok T:21.2 /0.0 B:27.8 /0.0 @:0
Connection successful!

Getting the output from Version 4.1.2 after clicking the E-Stop gave these lines:
READ: ok T:21.2 /0.0 B:25.6 /0.0 @:0
SENT: M105
READ: ok T:21.2 /0.0 B:25.7 /0.0 @:0
Emergency stop issued! Attempting to reconnect...
SENT: M112
READ: ok
Attempting connection at \\.\COM3...
READ: start
Connected to machine!

It seemed as if Version 4.1.2 just disconnected from the printer, sent an M112 (which did nothing), then reconnected.

I started version 5.1.2, started program/printer running and then double clicked the connect button.
Everything acted exactly like Version 4.1.2. Instantly the machine Stopped!

So right now the E-Stop means nothing for me. I can stop the machine by double clicking the connect button but still would like the E-Stop button in Version 5.1.2 to mimic Version 4.1.2 or maybe your company can influence Makergear to update their firmware to accept the M112 command.

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