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Joined: Sat Feb 24, 2018 7:00 am

build volume doesn´t change


In the version 4.0 if i change the process setting, the build volume changed automaticly to the new build volume, if the printer was different.
But in the last 5.x version it doesn`t.

I was searching, but didn´t find out why the build volume doesn´t change. Also manually it doesn´t change. I can switch on/off. That´s it.

Do somebody know what can be the reason for that?

Is there problem if i import my settings from the prev version?

Thanks for help, because this can be a reason for downgrade.
Posts: 357
Joined: Fri Jun 05, 2015 4:18 am

Re: build volume doesn´t change

mauerbad wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 8:18 am In the version 4.0 if i change the process setting, the build volume changed automaticly to the new build volume, if the printer was different.

Do somebody know what can be the reason for that?
This has been mentioned quite a few times by people. This happens when using the processes to
store various combinations of "profile/print settings", which is not what they are for. v4 did
switch things like build volume, while v5 seems not to do this.

Process != profile, but somehow many people aren't too interested in that. :|


...and so on.
Posts: 12
Joined: Sat Feb 24, 2018 7:00 am

Re: build volume doesn´t change

I know what you mean.
But i do not create for every printer a factory file. I have factory files for projects.
When i change the process (where is in a different profile with a different printer) i want to see the right build volume.
I can´t work if i change from 220x220 to 400x400 and the objects are in the air and i have to guess where it is in the air.
And also the problem that i can´t change it manually. It allways the same build volume. Also if a try to change the printer settings in the process.
Unbenannt.JPG (29.88 KiB) Viewed 1471 times
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Joined: Sat Feb 24, 2018 7:00 am

Re: build volume doesn´t change

OK. Manually is done. The first process is for comment. I don´t know why i didn´t try this before but if i change the first process printer settings, the build volume changed.
So - i need to know where i can change that the build volume didn´t take the settings from process 1, but i should take it from the last openend process. Like the pre version from sf3d
Posts: 357
Joined: Fri Jun 05, 2015 4:18 am

Re: build volume doesn´t change

mauerbad wrote: Sat Feb 24, 2024 4:05 am I know what you mean.
Uhm... so all the answers to the threads linked above didn't help clarify this?

- Hast Du die Antworten, inkl. denen von S3D-Leuten, gelesen?

When i change the process (where is in a different profile with a different printer) i want to see the right build volume.
I can´t work if i change from 220x220 to 400x400 and the objects are in the air and i have to guess where it is in the air.
(Assuming german because of the screenshot...)

Ja... genau so, wie es von anderen beschrieben wurde. Aber dafür sind die Prozesse
halt einfach nicht gedacht, vgl. den QuickStart-Guide im Programmverzeichnis, zumindest
bis Version 4.1.2 war der von 2014 enthalten....

Solange nur Objekte mit identischen Einstellungen gedruckt werden, gehört halt nur
ein Prozess in die Liste, für weiteres gibt's die Profilverwaltung + Auto Quality/Material-Settings.

Die Prozesse sind keine Liste von Vorlagen für eventuell genutzte Mischungen aus
Druckeinstellungen + Profilen verschiedener Drucker. Da gehören die im aktuell
verwendeten Factory-File verwendeten Prozesse rein, sonst nix.

mauerbad wrote: OK. Manually is done. The first process is for comment. I don´t know why i didn´t try this before but if i change the first process printer settings, the build volume changed.
So - i need to know where i can change that the build volume didn´t take the settings from process 1, but i should take it from the last openend process. Like the pre version from sf3d
Posts describing that and including answers have been posted, no need to describe
everything from those threads again.

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