Posts: 8
Joined: Fri May 11, 2018 6:15 am

Failed to run the software after couple weeks

I'm on linux, and I run last time S3D about two weeks ago. Today I launched S3D to find out it doesn't work because it complains about simultaneous licenses being used by other machine. Well, I don't have "other" machine, it's the same laptop, linux, ubuntu, same user, but somehow the S3D servers assumes this is a new machine. It didn't ask to enter license, it just told me "sorry, you can't run the second copy".
I can't print because of that.
How do you detect the machine fingerprint ? By IP address ?

I pressed "emergency deactivation" button in the on the page https://cloud.simplify3d.com/account/activations/, and this buttons seems doesn't work as well - it keeps saying "Please wait" for at least 10 minutes now.

Anyway, I can't print because of that, I need some help.

Posts: 8
Joined: Fri May 11, 2018 6:15 am

Re: Failed to run the software after couple weeks

And just to show you what license removal doesn't work as well:

Code: Select all

galago Simplify3D-5.1.2 # ./uninstall
Do you want to uninstall Simplify3D Software and all of its modules? [Y/n]: y   

Uninstall Status

Would you like to deactivate and completely remove your Simplify3D license from this computer?

Note: this will require an active internet connection. [Y/n]: y

Failed to deactivate license.  Would you like to continue with the uninstallation even though your license has not been removed from this computer? [y/N]: y

 Uninstalling Simplify3D Software
 0% ______________ 50% ______________ 100%

Info: Uninstallation completed
Press [Enter] to continue:
galago Simplify3D-5.1.2 # 
Posts: 8
Joined: Fri May 11, 2018 6:15 am

Re: Failed to run the software after couple weeks

Seems like you do it by IP address. Take a look:
I clicked on "emergency deactivation" once more time, and this time it quickly removed my activated license.
Now, I run S3D, and it works. It shows the correct license holder name (my name). all good.
I go to https://cloud.simplify3d.com/account/activations/ and try to guess what I see ? It says the license activated to the IP address while my current public IP address is And the license activation I remove 5 minutes ago was activated/attached to the same IP address belongs to VPN service of my company. I'm using VPN during working hours, like I have to.
Right now I'm not using this VPN (I specified my current IP address above), but S3D server assigned VPN's address to my account.

So, you wanna says I can't open S3D software if I left my home ? Like if I go to me friend's home and run my purchased S3D version on my laptop ?

Please, explain.
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Joined: Sun May 31, 2015 6:01 am

Re: Failed to run the software after couple weeks

The IP address shouldn't matter at all. I would suggesting contacting our team directly at the link below so that they can help:

They will be able to lookup much more information than we can on the forum

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