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V5 restore the speed and extrusion knobs/method

In V4 I use(d) the machine control panel speed control and extrusion rate knobs to fix and or adjust the printer to improve the results without having to re-start the whole print with different settings over and over. Please restore that functionality. If it is there somehow, would someone please tell me where/how?
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Re: V5 restore the speed and extrusion knobs/method

Same, sometimes I could fix a problem during a print with these options. Also I work from home and have a side business with my printers, they are running around the clock. When I have important meetings sometimes I would turn the print speed down to 25% to keep the background noise down.
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Re: V5 restore the speed and extrusion knobs/method

I would have to agree with previous posts about the override controls. They're very useful. Sometimes I can hear when the extrusion rate is a bit too high (clicking noise) and this lets me save the print if I catch it in time. It's very useful. I don't understand why not to have this feature.

--Dan M.
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Re: V5 restore the speed and extrusion knobs/method

I did use the controls very heavily, mostly in tuning and trouble shooting.

A) When working with any new material, or replacement parts, or up grades. See how this effected the max print speed. Set a known working value and dial it up to the point where it fails, and I don't need to program it in one layer at a time. Then evaluate the test part, and attempt to replicate the best results shift the dials until it is just right. Now build that into the settings or add into per layer code.

B) When working with new extruders or materials. Much similar to the first case with the speed. Extrusion rate. Run and rerun tests until the test parts look, or measure correctly.

C) Now to be honest there are a few other functions that would be nice to have in here too, even if they might hide behind a panel so they are not accidentally accessed. Things that are native S3D and are not Command Line options. I will take the time to generate new FR for those rather than polluting this request.

It seems that too few used or cared about the over ride controls. Likely obsessed with what their Octoprint or Klipper can do.
I did use the over rides and that I cannot is currently a deal breaker.

If a major update drops and the controls are not restored. I probably wont update the license.
For now, I continue to do most of my work in V4.
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Re: V5 restore the speed and extrusion knobs/method

I feel sad that although this is a feature that I deem as mission critical. It will be ignored. -No reason as to why it was necessary will ever be given.
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Re: V5 restore the speed and extrusion knobs/method

Please restore the dials! Very useful tool and I am stuck on v4 because they are not in v5.
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Re: V5 restore the speed and extrusion knobs/method

Seconding this. Total no-brainer. Such an important feature to have lost meaninglessly. Please help!!
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Re: V5 restore the speed and extrusion knobs/method

Sadly I don't think it's going to be in V5 ever. But will be some how reintroduced in V6.

Honestly, I though a version was going to start dropping every year. But maybe too few people purchased the new license to keep the ball rolling. Everything's kinda gone dark. According to my license I purchased in 12/16/22, if they were working on a per year update 12/16/23 has come and gone, we are now almost half way into 2024.

My employer has dropped like 7 updates over the winter alone and he's both CEO and Lead developer while the rest of us minions do hardware, support and production. He publishes a magazine, and develops several others pieces of software as well.
I wish I could sell him on supporting Marlin or S3D.

I do wonder what the S3D developers are working on when not making S3D.
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Re: V5 restore the speed and extrusion knobs/method

Unfortunately they've gone an entire year with no updates, no communication about updates, no roadmap, no nothing. All but abandonware at this point sadly. The free slicers are LIGHT YEARS beyond this.

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