Does anyone know what gcode commands are used in S3D that enable the "Pause/Resume" functionality?
My printer does not have an LCD so I print using a direct USB connection to my PC. My machine runs on Marlin 1.0.0.
I would like to build a Macro in the S3D Firmware Configuration that primes my extruder before restarting a print that I am stopping at a certain layer using the Terminal Commands. I am using an "M0" command to stop my print. So, instead of hitting "Resume" in the Machine Control, I want to hit "Macro 2" and have it move back to the print while priming the extruder to restart. I can figure out the gcode for all but the "resume". I have tried a test print and entered "G24", "M108" and "M999" to the machine using the Communication tab but they do nothing. I can't see what S3D is sending to the machine when I manually hit the "Pause" and "Resume" in the Communication window even with "Verbose" checked. It just says: "G-Code initiated print pause detected. Please click Resume to restart the print.".
Thanks for any input,