Is there a way to add the QIDI I-fast air circulation fan control to the Cooling tab as you can with the parts fans?
If I use the Cooling tab and add a QIDI I-fast air circulation fan as Environmental fan T2, then it generates this GCODE:
Code: Select all
M106 S255 P2
GCODE to turn on the QIDI I-fast air circulation fan is:
Code: Select all
M106 T-2
Code: Select all
M107 T-2
Code: Select all
{IF "[current_layer_number] == 1"}M107 T-2; turn off air circulation fan
{IF "[current_layer_number] == 2"}M106 T-2; turn on air circulation fan
I would prefer to be able to do this in the Cooling tab, but can't seem to get that to work.
Any suggestions?