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Joined: Fri Jul 12, 2024 3:38 pm

Big gaps between layers


When visualizing the print in Simplify3D, there are large gaps between the different layers. I have tried reducing the layer height, nozzle diameter, etc., but nothing has worked.
Is there a special configuration that could fix this?

Here is what I am using:
Print profile: S300X_LIQ21-LIQ11-100_SIL-001_LYX_SUP-001_LYX_S3D-500_v1.0.3
Printer: S300X_LIQ21-LIQ11-102-002

Thank you.
Posts: 68
Joined: Tue Jun 20, 2023 10:55 am

Re: Big gaps between layers

There might be some mesh issues in this model. Version 5.1 used Positive Fill by default, while this does work with a lot of models there are plenty of cases where it does not work as well. This is why we implemented the Alternating Fill AND Positive Fill option. Try using 'Alternating Fill' in the Slicing Region Repair Mode for your model and see if the problem gets resolved. This option is found in the Advanced tab of the Process Settings or you can do a search for 'Slicing Region Repair Mode' on the top right corner of Edit Process Settings.

We find that Positive Fill works best for most models, but there is not a single setting that will work for all types of mesh issues. You can learn more here: https://www.simplify3d.com/resources/ar ... sh-errors/

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