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Simplify3D v5.1.2 does not provide correct bed size from printer profile

I am using two different printers with different bed size. Unfortunately, the Simplify3D is "locked" in the smaller bed size.
How to solve this issue?
S3D Bed size.png
Anyway, it will be very helpful to store actual print profiles in AppData directory than in registers for better profile management. Frankly, I am not the single person who demand this feature - just check this forum.
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Re: Simplify3D v5.1.2 does not provide correct bed size from printer profile

You can drag the process you want to print/preview to the top of the processes, then you will have the preview of that print bed.
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Re: Simplify3D v5.1.2 does not provide correct bed size from printer profile

If you have multiple processes in the list with different build volumes, then S3D can only visualize one of them, so that might be why you are seeing a different build volume. Try deleting all processes except for the 1 you need to use (note that this won't delete any of the saved profiles, as those are always retained regardless of the processes you add and remove).
viktorh wrote: Anyway, it will be very helpful to store actual print profiles in AppData directory than in registers for better profile management
V5 already stores the profiles on the file system like you are suggesting. I believe the older V4 software used to store everything in the registry, but that changed with V5.
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Re: Simplify3D v5.1.2 does not provide correct bed size from printer profile

S3D-Taylor wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:21 am You can drag the process you want to print/preview to the top of the processes, then you will have the preview of that print bed.
Yes, this workaround is working but...
Are you pretty sure that this is the best solution?
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Re: Simplify3D v5.1.2 does not provide correct bed size from printer profile

S3D-Jason wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2024 10:25 am V5 already stores the profiles on the file system like you are suggesting. I believe the older V4 software used to store everything in the registry, but that changed with V5.
OK, so how is possible to backup and restore all processes which are lost after Windows crash? Thank you.
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Re: Simplify3D v5.1.2 does not provide correct bed size from printer profile

S3D-Jason wrote: Fri Sep 06, 2024 9:20 am Here's a recent thread covering exactly that:
No, it isn't: The question is about PROCESSES, not the PROFILES.
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Joined: Sun May 31, 2015 6:01 am

Re: Simplify3D v5.1.2 does not provide correct bed size from printer profile

You can save the processes using a factory file, but processes are intended to change constantly from print to print. The profiles are meant to be the permanent machine settings that you want to save.

If you have really important settings that are in one of your processes, but not in any of your saved profiles, then I would recommend opening that process and clicking Save As New to add it to the profile database. At that point it will be permanently maintained regardless of what you do with the processes.

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