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scripts (start- and end) based on selected material.

I'm just starting with S3D and have a question re. start- and end scripts, based on selected material.
Is my observation correct that I cannot have material based start- and end scripts?

e.g. in a start script I would like to add some gcode to preheat extruder and bed before executing the code G29.
The preheat temps for PLA (200/60) and PETG (240/90) will be different. Therefore I would like to create a different start/end script for either one.

Thanks for any help.

PS. Is there a list of (internal) variables published somewhere (e.g. [first_layer_temperature], [first_layer_bed_temperature], etc.) ?

S3D v5.1.2. on Linux Mint v21.3
Posts: 1555
Joined: Sun May 31, 2015 6:01 am

Re: scripts (start- and end) based on selected material.

You can actually change any setting that you want for different materials. Go to Edit Process Settings, click the "..." icon to the right of the Save As New button, and choose "Assign Settings to Categories". Search for "starting script" and then you can assign that to the Material auto configure category. Now you can have a custom starting script for each material.

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