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ARM64 build

The Windows on ARM computers are gaining popularity despite the bad reviews coming about against them, but so it goes with all new tech.

While these computers can emulate 32 bit x86 software and will eventually be able to emulate 64bit as well, they run best with ARM64 builds. Would it be possible to get a build of Simplify3D for Windows On ARM devices? The added performance and reduced hit on battery would be quite nice.

While I am a computer scientist with a degree in this, I have worked in data most of my life and have not had the experience of building for multiple OS and architectures, much less building for Windows on ARM. I've only built for x86 in code projects and game engines have pre-made targets to simplify things. The point being that I do not know the LOE required to make this build. I'm hoping it's as simple as compiler options. In short, I'm sorry if I'm asking for more than I realize.
Last edited by S3D-Jake on Wed Dec 04, 2019 1:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: Wed Jun 20, 2018 12:45 pm

Re: ARM64 build

Thanks for your request. I'm not certain how extensive the changes to the code base would need to be to cross compile for Windows on ARM64. I've documented this feature request for our development team to review.
"A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song."
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Joined: Wed Nov 27, 2019 5:44 pm

Re: ARM64 build

Thanks! I really appreciate the cooperation. I do realize that code changes may be required and libraries may not be available, so this is nice to hear, regardless of what the end response is.
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Re: ARM64 build

Any updates on this? I don't think the ARM64 architecture is going away anytime soon and it'd be more efficient to run S3D natively instead of on the emulator.
Posts: 1052
Joined: Wed Jun 20, 2018 12:45 pm

Re: ARM64 build

Thanks for keeping this request alive! I'm not seeing a ton of interest in this specific request compared to others, so I'd imagine this isn't a high priority for our development team at this time. However I am still monitoring this and other threads mentioning this specific request and will continue to update our tracking so our developers can remain informed of the relative interest here.
"A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song."
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Re: ARM64 build

The software works OK under the new emulation found on Windows 11 and the Surface Pro 11, but I would love to see how an ARM native build would run.

Old thread, but it seems that ARM is here to stay in the Windows world, I guess it will come down to how the maker and ARM enthusiast community overlap.

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