Hi I have a Delta printer with a single tool and a multi material mechanism, similar to MMU, I would like to create profiles with simplfy3d, I am currently using Prusaslicer, which allows a tip tuning before retraction, my printer does not have a wire cutter, my question is: in S3D where can I make these tip tuning settings? with simplify3d is it possible to use multiple extruders and how?
I would like to use S3D to make multicolor prints, I have a Tradrack connected to my printer with Klipper firmware, I currently use prusaslicer for multicolor/material prints but I don't like it!! I would like to know if there is a guide to configure S3D with multi colors, in my case 8 colors with a single extruder, in addition I would like to know how to color the model, in prusaslicer just select the part with a brush and that's it in simplify3d how do you do it?
Hi, I also have a single extruder printer with a multi-material setup. I want to know how to set up Simplify3D for multicolor prints. Is there an option like PrusaSlicer's brush tool to assign colors to parts of the model?
In S3D, you typically go to Tools > Multi Extrusion Wizard, and then use that wizard to assign parts to different colors. If you only have a single part, then you would first need to break that up into multiple parts. You can sometimes do this in S3D using Mesh > Separate Connected Surfaces. If I designed the part it can also be easy to just export the bodies from CAD as different parts.
apparently S3D does not allow you to edit a mesh, I try to select the command indicated using Mesh > Separate Connected Surfaces but the message that I get back is: The selected Mesh is already a single surface.
is there any external tool to S3D that allows you to color the meshes?
You can adjust retraction settings in the Extruder tab to simulate tip tuning, but it doesn’t have a direct tip tuning feature like PrusaSlicer. For multiple extruders, you can create different extruder profiles for each material and manually switch between them using custom G-code scripts.