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Extruder & bed temperature on da vinci 2.0a

Extruder & bed temperature have 2 stage heat curve
It seens first to machine default settings and than up to my settings in simplify3d

My material is ABS

Default temperature in XYZware is
1. Extruder temperature =210deg
2. Bed temperature = 70deg

In simplify3d 4.1.0 or simplify3d 4.1.1 settings is
1. Extruder temperature =220deg
2. Bed temperature = 100deg

printer get job, the printer will heat

After 3 mins(on the machine LCD module display), Extruder & bed temperature archive default settings 210/70deg (someone get settings temp first and keep temp, the other one would keep going up)

All of them satisfy default settings, both heater will start to heat with temp settings in simplify3d.

My problem is why 2 stage heat curve of extruder & bed ???

It is not smart and wast a lot of time before printing. :oops:
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Re: Extruder & bed temperature on da vinci 2.0a

We agree this is a waste of time and have experienced the same loss of time in our tests in our office. Sadly, this is a limitation of the XYZ firmware and therefore is a necessity to have you be able to set temperatures at all in your print files. The temperatures on the cartridges are not able to be avoided in the initialization of the printer. Some users have flashed their printers with new firmware, such as repetier to work around this. This obviously voids your warranty with XYZprinting, but at this point, I'd doubt anyone with a 2.0 Duo still has a 1st party warranty.
"A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song."
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Re: Extruder & bed temperature on da vinci 2.0a

Very late response but there is theoretically a way this *could* be done

I've tested before and the printer does accept a command to set the temp to be in the gcode however once it hits this temp it drops back down to the cartridge temp. The good part is that you can send another command to override the drop and reset the target. You *could* modify the gcode file to have commands to set the temperature every other line.

I saw an older post about setting it on the layer change but if the layer takes too long its just going to cool down and cause issues anyway.

For anyone who may see this in the future, if you want to give this idea a shot I'll include the temp commands below (I added one for the bed since the original post also didn't mention that)

Code: Select all

M104 S225 T0 ; 225 being the temp you want the Right extruder to be
M104 S225 T1 ; 225 being the temp you want the Left extruder to be
M104 S90 T2 ; 90 being the temp you want the bed to be

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