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Elephant Foot Compensation

Can we please get a feature to compensate for "Elephant Foot", similar to PrusaSlicer: ... ion_114494

Thank you!
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Re: Elephant Foot Compensation

you can do that with the Z offset.. same thing .. Elephant foot is caused by an incorrect setting of the Z offset (distance between the nozzle and bed during the first layer. The nozzle is too close to the bed for the layer height chosen.
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Re: Elephant Foot Compensation

Not sure how people don't find any of the older posts that address this.

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Re: Elephant Foot Compensation

Not sure how people don't find any of the older posts that address this.
I know how! Two reasons

1) The threads are not on page 1 of the thread list
2) They didn't search for them.
Doug Kightley
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Re: Elephant Foot Compensation

@tonyno -
I did indeed search and find the thread you posted.

However, as was mentioned in the thread, creating an extra process is a lot of effort if you have multiple printers and/or many different profiles already.

It would be a great quailty-of-life feature to have a setting on a process that can control the first layer (or X layers) separately.
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Re: Elephant Foot Compensation

Why do you have elephant foot to begin with? Answer, you did not set your printer up for the correct Z offset for current layer height being printed. Why, maybe the manufacture does not tell you how or the printer is not accurate enough to maintain an accurate Z offset across the bed, so over compression of the first layer is need.. Maybe you just need to be obsessive to take the time to set it up.. not sure.. but I see so many people having issues with adhesion and the first layer on other forums and it all comes down to this one critical setting that is apparently ignored by manufactures and most users.

Short of setting the offset in the firmware you can always use the Z offset in S3d as was suggested earlier..this thread helps explain it viewtopic.php?t=2210

Since I mentioned the Firmware here is the marlin man page for M206
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Re: Elephant Foot Compensation

@airscapes -

My older Replicator2 does not have a heated bed.
Even with an aftermarket BuildTak surface applied, it can be challenging to get my first layer to adhere and not curl up on some prints.
So, I need some extra squish in the first layer for good adhesion, which results in elephant foot.
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Re: Elephant Foot Compensation

The feature you wish is there.. Z offset. It will crush the first layer and put the second one on top without squishing it..
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Re: Elephant Foot Compensation

Not using Prusa Slicer very often. But I think that feature is not like Z offset, it's more like "Horizontal Size Compensation" (Process -> Other -> Dimensional Adjustments) affecting the first layer only... some kind of counter measure to the fact many people jam the first layer in the bed quite badly.
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Re: Elephant Foot Compensation

1 +
I am tired of having to create 2 processes every time. For me, this is the most important feature that is missing in S3D and that all other slicers offer.

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