Posts: 13
Joined: Wed Dec 28, 2016 8:17 pm

Retracts during Vase mode???

WHY... would the Print Preview (as well as the printer in action) in V5 be doing retractions in Vase Mode?

see gcode included here....

; G-Code generated by Simplify3D(R) Version 5.0.1
; Feb 1, 2023 at 7:38:09 PM
; Settings Summary
; processName,Process 1
; targetModels,testpot1
; profileName,RR_V-Core-3 PLA
; profileVersion,2023-02-01 19:38:06
; app,S3D-Software 5.0.1
; technology,fff
; baseProfile,Default
; extruder,Extruder 1
; toolheadNumber,0
; nozzleDiameter,0.60000
; extrusionMultiplier,1.00000
; extrusionWidthMode,manual
; extrusionWidth,0.60000
; useRetraction,1
; retractDistance,2.60000
; extraRestartDistance,0.00000
; retractVerticalLift,0.10000
; retractSpeed,2700.00000
; useCoasting,0
; coastingDistance,0.01000
; useWiping,0
; wipingDistance,5.00000
; speedMaxFlowRate,900.00000
; toolheadOffsetX,0.00000
; toolheadOffsetY,0.00000
; filamentDiameter,1.75000
; filamentPricePerKilogram,60.00000
; filamentDensity,1.25000
; primaryExtruder,Extruder 1
; layerHeight,0.30000
; topSolidLayers,3
; bottomSolidLayers,3
; outlinePerimeters,4
; useVaseMode,1
; useAdaptiveLayerHeights,1
; minAdaptiveLayerHeight,0.10000
; maxAdaptiveLayerHeight,0.40000
; adaptiveSmoothingLevel,5
; horizontalOuterCompensation,0.00000
; horizontalInnerCompensation,0.00000
; firstLayerUnits,percentage
; firstLayerHeightPercentage,125
; firstLayerWidthPercentage,120
; firstLayerSpeedPercentage,20
; firstLayerHeightAbsolute,0.30000
; firstLayerWidthAbsolute,0.40000
; firstLayerSpeedAbsolute,900.00000
; startPointStrategy,closest
; alignStartPointsX,0.00000
; alignStartPointsY,0.00000
; restrictStartPoints,1
; perimeterPrintingOrder,inside_out
; islandPrintingOrder,closest
; printInfillBeforePerimeters,0
; useSkirt,1
; skirtExtruder,Extruder 1
; skirtLayers,2
; skirtOffset,0.00000
; skirtOutlines,2
; useRaft,0
; raftExtruder,Extruder 1
; raftBaseLayers,1
; raftTopLayers,2
; raftOffset,3.00000
; raftSeparationDistance,0.10000
; raftSpeedUnits,percentage
; raftSpeedPercentage,50
; raftSpeedAbsolute,600.00000
; usePrimePillar,0
; primePillarExtruder,All Extruders
; primePillarWidth,12.00000
; primePillarLocation,north_west
; primePillarSpeedPercentage,100
; primePillarInfillPercentage,100
; autoStopPrimePillar,1
; primePillarLayersAfterAutoStop,0
; useOozeShield,0
; oozeShieldExtruder,All Extruders
; oozeShieldOffset,2.00000
; oozeShieldOutlines,1
; oozeShieldSidewallShape,waterfall
; oozeShieldSidewallAngle,30
; oozeShieldSpeedPercentage,100
; autoStopOozeShield,1
; oozeShieldLayersAfterAutoStop,0
; sparseInfillExtruder,Extruder 1
; sparseInfillPattern,rectilinear
; sparseInfillRotation,0
; sparseInfillPercentage,0
; sparseInfillExtrusionWidthPercentage,102
; sparseInfillCombinedLayers,1
; denseInfillLayers,0
; denseInfillPercentage,50
; infillOutlineOverlapPercentage,20
; minInfillLength,2.00000
; externalInfillPattern,rectilinear
; externalInfillRotation,0
; solidInfillThresholdArea,25.00000
; solidInfillExtraExpansion,0.00000
; useDiaphragm,0
; diaphragmSolidLayers,3
; diaphragmSpacingLayers,20
; sparseSupportExtruder,Extruder 1
; sparseSupportInfillPattern,aligned
; sparseSupportInfillRotation,0
; sparseSupportInfillPercentage,25
; sparseSupportOutlines,0
; sparseSupportCombinedLayers,1
; upperDenseSupportLayers,2
; lowerDenseSupportLayers,2
; denseSupportExtruder,Extruder 1
; denseSupportInfillPercentage,40
; denseSupportExtraExpansion,0.00000
; baseSupportLayers,1
; supportInflationDistance,2.00000
; supportHorizontalPartOffset,0.70000
; supportUpperSeparationLayers,2
; supportLowerSeparationLayers,2
; temperatureController,Extruder 1
; enableTemperatureController,1
; temperatureNumber,0
; temperatureType,extruder
; stabilizeAtStartup,1
; temperatureSetpoints,1|240
; useIdleCooldown,0
; cooldownTemperature,150
; cooldownRequiredIdleTime,180
; cooldownReheatTime,60
; temperatureController,Heated Bed
; enableTemperatureController,1
; temperatureNumber,0
; temperatureType,platform
; stabilizeAtStartup,1
; temperatureSetpoints,1|60
; useIdleCooldown,0
; cooldownTemperature,150
; cooldownRequiredIdleTime,180
; cooldownReheatTime,60
; fan,Cooling Fan
; fanNumber,0
; fanType,extruder
; blipFanToFullPower,1
; fanSetpoints,1|0,2|100
; increaseFanForQuickLayers,1
; fanMaxQuickLayerTime,5.00000
; fanMinQuickLayerTime,15.00000
; maxQuickLayerFanSpeedPercentage,100
; defaultPrintSpeed,15000.00000
; outerPerimeterSpeedPercentage,100
; innerPerimeterSpeedPercentage,80
; solidInfillSpeedPercentage,90
; sparseSupportSpeedPercentage,80
; denseSupportSpeedPercentage,70
; travelSpeedXY,48000.00000
; travelSpeedZ,1500.00000
; reduceSpeedForQuickLayers,1
; speedMaxQuickLayerTime,5.00000
; minQuickLayerSpeedPercentage,10
; reduceSpeedForShortPerimeters,1
; speedMaxShortPerimeterLength,80.00000
; minShortPerimeterSpeedPercentage,50
; reduceSpeedForMaxFlowRate,0
; accelXY,8000.00000
; accelZ,150.00000
; accelE,3000.00000
; jerkXY,600.00000
; jerkZ,24.00000
; jerkE,300.00000
; exportFileFormat,gcode
; useStickyCommands,1
; use5D,1
; relativeExtrusionDistances,0
; allowExtruderAxisZeroing,1
; independentExtruderAxes,0
; includeM10123,0
; x3gMachineProfile,r2
; overrideStepsPerMillimeter,0
; stepsPerMillimeterX,88.57319
; stepsPerMillimeterY,88.57319
; stepsPerMillimeterZ,400.00000
; stepsPerMillimeterA,96.27520
; stepsPerMillimeterB,96.27520
; xyzFileFormatVersion,1
; makerBotMachineProfile,replicator_5
; makerBotModelExtruder,mk13
; makerBotSupportExtruder,mk14_s
; makerBotModelMaterial,pla
; makerBotSupportMaterial,pva
; globalOffsetX,0.00000
; globalOffsetY,0.00000
; globalOffsetZ,0.00000
; applyToolheadOffsets,0
; buildVolumeShape,rectangular
; buildVolumeX,500.00000
; buildVolumeY,500.00000
; buildVolumeZ,500.00000
; buildVolumeDiameter,200.00000
; originOffsetX,0.00000
; originOffsetY,0.00000
; originOffsetZ,0.00000
; homingDirectionX,min
; homingDirectionY,max
; homingDirectionZ,min
; mirrorVisualX,0
; mirrorVisualY,1
; mirrorVisualZ,0
; machineBackgroundModel,
; startingScript,;script from ratrig -|SKEW_PROFILE LOAD=skewprofile20221031-2|; my contribution to PAM - see S3D script|MESH_CONFIG X0=[build_min_x] Y0=[build_min_y] X1=[build_max_x] Y1=[build_max_y]|START_PRINT EXTRUDER_TEMP=[extruder0_temperature] BED_TEMP=[bed0_temperature]|SET_PRESSURE_ADVANCE ADVANCE=0.115|
; preLayerChangeScript,TIMELAPSE_TAKE_FRAME
; postLayerChangeScript,
; preRetractionScript,
; postRetractionScript,
; preToolChangeScript,
; postToolChangeScript,
; processChangeScript,
; endingScript,;script from ratrig -|TIME ... T|SET_SKEW CLEAR=1||
; postProcessingScript,
; useBridging,1
; bridgingThresholdArea,60.00000
; bridgingInfillExtraExpansion,1.00000
; bridgingExtrusionModifier,105
; bridgingSpeedModifier,105
; overrideFanSpeedForBridging,0
; bridgingFanSpeedPercentage,100
; useFixedBridgingAngle,0
; fixedBridgingAngle,0
; applyBridgingToPerimeters,1
; bridgingPerimeterExtraOverlap,0.00000
; minBridgingPerimeterLength,10.00000
; useToolChangeRetraction,1
; toolChangeRetractDistance,12.00000
; toolChangeExtraRestartDistance,-0.50000
; toolChangeRetractSpeed,600.00000
; toolChangePrimeOnFirstUse,0
; toolChangeRetractAtEnd,0
; externalThinWallType,single_extrusions
; internalThinWallType,single_extrusions
; thinWallAllowedOverlapPercentage,8
; singleExtrusionMinLength,1.50000
; singleExtrusionMinWidthPercentage,40
; singleExtrusionMaxWidthPercentage,200
; singleExtrusionEndpointExtensionDistance,0.70000
; onlyRetractWhenCrossingOutlines,0
; retractBetweenLayers,1
; useRetractionMinTravel,0
; retractionMinTravel,2.00000
; useRetractionMinExtrusion,0
; retractionMinExtrusion,3.00000
; retractWhileWiping,1
; wipingMode,outer_perimeter
; avoidCrossingOutlines,1
; maxMovementDetourFactor,3.00000
; openLoopSlicingBehavior,heal
; openLoopThickenWidth,0.50000
; slicingRegionRepairMode,positive
M106 S0 P0
;script from ratrig -
SKEW_PROFILE LOAD=skewprofile20221031-2
; my contribution to PAM - see S3D script
MESH_CONFIG X0=48.56 Y0=48.56 X1=451.44 Y1=451.44
; process Process 1
; layer 1, Z = 0.3750
G92 E0.0000
G1 E-2.6000 F2700
; feature skirt
; tool H0.3750 W0.720
G1 Z0.3750 F1500
G1 X111.242 Y104.468 F48000
G92 E0.0000
G1 E2.6000 F2700
G92 E0.0000
G1 X118.317 Y98.037 E1.0734 F3000
G1 X125.704 Y91.938 E2.1486
G1 X133.366 Y86.202 E3.2229
G1 X141.291 Y80.838 E4.2973
G1 X149.456 Y75.862 E5.3706
G1 X157.856 Y71.275 E6.4449
G1 X166.464 Y67.093 E7.5193
G1 X175.262 Y63.325 E8.5936
G1 X184.237 Y59.978 E9.6688
G1 X193.345 Y57.066 E10.7422
G1 X202.589 Y54.589 E11.8165
G1 X211.950 Y52.553 E12.8918
G1 X221.388 Y50.966 E13.9661
G1 X230.890 Y49.830 E15.0404
G1 X240.437 Y49.147 E16.1147
G1 X250.004 Y48.920 E17.1891
G1 X259.564 Y49.147 E18.2624
G1 X269.110 Y49.830 E19.3367
G1 X278.612 Y50.966 E20.4110
G1 X288.050 Y52.553 E21.4854
G1 X297.402 Y54.587 E22.5597
G1 X306.655 Y57.066 E23.6349
G1 X315.763 Y59.978 E24.7083
G1 X324.730 Y63.322 E25.7826
G1 X333.536 Y67.093 E26.8579
G1 X342.144 Y71.275 E27.9322
G1 X350.544 Y75.862 E29.0065
G1 X358.709 Y80.838 E30.0799
G1 X366.641 Y86.207 E31.1552
G1 X374.296 Y91.938 E32.2285
G1 X381.676 Y98.031 E33.3028
G1 X388.764 Y104.474 E34.3781
G1 X395.532 Y111.242 E35.4524
G1 X401.963 Y118.317 E36.5258
G1 X408.062 Y125.704 E37.6011
G1 X413.793 Y133.359 E38.6744
G1 X419.157 Y141.284 E39.7487
G1 X424.138 Y149.456 E40.8230
G1 X428.725 Y157.856 E41.8974
G1 X432.907 Y166.464 E42.9717
G1 X436.675 Y175.262 E44.0460
G1 X440.020 Y184.229 E45.1203
G1 X442.934 Y193.345 E46.1946
G1 X445.413 Y202.598 E47.2699
G1 X447.446 Y211.941 E48.3433
G1 X449.033 Y221.379 E49.4176
G1 X450.169 Y230.882 E50.4919
G1 X450.852 Y240.428 E51.5662
G1 X451.080 Y249.996 E52.6405
G1 X450.852 Y259.572 E53.7158
G1 X450.170 Y269.110 E54.7892
G1 X449.034 Y278.612 E55.8635
G1 X447.447 Y288.050 E56.9378
G1 X445.413 Y297.402 E58.0121
G1 X442.934 Y306.655 E59.0874
G1 X440.022 Y315.763 E60.1607
G1 X436.678 Y324.730 E61.2351
G1 X432.911 Y333.528 E62.3094
G1 X428.729 Y342.136 E63.3837
G1 X424.143 Y350.536 E64.4580
G1 X419.157 Y358.716 E65.5333
G1 X413.793 Y366.641 E66.6076
G1 X408.062 Y374.296 E67.6810
G1 X401.969 Y381.676 E68.7553
G1 X395.526 Y388.764 E69.8305
G1 X388.758 Y395.532 E70.9049
G1 X381.683 Y401.963 E71.9782
G1 X374.296 Y408.062 E73.0535
G1 X366.641 Y413.793 E74.1268
G1 X358.709 Y419.162 E75.2021
G1 X350.544 Y424.138 E76.2755
G1 X342.136 Y428.729 E77.3508
G1 X333.536 Y432.907 E78.4241
G1 X324.738 Y436.675 E79.4984
G1 X315.771 Y440.020 E80.5727
G1 X306.655 Y442.934 E81.6471
G1 X297.402 Y445.413 E82.7223
G1 X288.059 Y447.446 E83.7957
G1 X278.621 Y449.033 E84.8700
G1 X269.118 Y450.169 E85.9443
G1 X259.572 Y450.852 E87.0186
G1 X250.004 Y451.080 E88.0930
G1 X240.437 Y450.853 E89.1673
G1 X230.890 Y450.170 E90.2416
G1 X221.388 Y449.034 E91.3159
G1 X211.950 Y447.447 E92.3902
G1 X202.598 Y445.413 E93.4645
G1 X193.353 Y442.936 E94.5389
G1 X184.237 Y440.022 E95.6132
G1 X175.270 Y436.678 E96.6875
G1 X166.472 Y432.911 E97.7618
G1 X157.864 Y428.729 E98.8361
G1 X149.464 Y424.143 E99.9104
G1 X141.284 Y419.157 E100.9857
G1 X133.359 Y413.793 E102.0600
G1 X125.704 Y408.062 E103.1334
G1 X118.324 Y401.969 E104.2077
G1 X111.236 Y395.526 E105.2830
G1 X104.468 Y388.758 E106.3573
G1 X98.031 Y381.676 E107.4316
G1 X91.938 Y374.296 E108.5059
G1 X86.207 Y366.641 E109.5793
G1 X80.838 Y358.709 E110.6546
G1 X75.857 Y350.536 E111.7289
G1 X71.275 Y342.144 E112.8022
G1 X67.093 Y333.536 E113.8765
G1 X63.322 Y324.730 E114.9518
G1 X59.980 Y315.771 E116.0252
G1 X57.066 Y306.655 E117.0995
G1 X54.589 Y297.411 E118.1738
G1 X52.553 Y288.050 E119.2491
G1 X50.966 Y278.612 E120.3234
G1 X49.830 Y269.110 E121.3977
G1 X49.147 Y259.564 E122.4720
G1 X48.920 Y250.004 E123.5454
G1 X49.147 Y240.437 E124.6197
G1 X49.830 Y230.890 E125.6940
G1 X50.966 Y221.388 E126.7683
G1 X52.553 Y211.950 E127.8427
G1 X54.587 Y202.598 E128.9170
G1 X57.066 Y193.345 E129.9923
G1 X59.978 Y184.237 E131.0656
G1 X63.325 Y175.262 E132.1409
G1 X67.093 Y166.464 E133.2152
G1 X71.275 Y157.856 E134.2895
G1 X75.862 Y149.456 E135.3638
G1 X80.838 Y141.291 E136.4372
G1 X86.202 Y133.366 E137.5115
G1 X91.938 Y125.704 E138.5858
G1 X98.031 Y118.324 E139.6601
G1 X104.468 Y111.242 E140.7344
G1 X111.242 Y104.468 E141.8097
G92 E0.0000
G1 E-2.6000 F2700
G1 Z0.4750 F1500
G1 X111.739 Y104.990 F48000
G1 Z0.3750 F1500
G92 E0.0000
G1 E2.6000 F2700
G92 E0.0000
G1 X118.789 Y98.581 E1.0695 F3000
G1 X126.149 Y92.504 E2.1409
G1 X133.783 Y86.789 E3.2114
G1 X141.681 Y81.444 E4.2819
G1 X149.816 Y76.485 E5.3514
G1 X158.186 Y71.915 E6.4218
G1 X166.764 Y67.748 E7.4923
G1 X175.530 Y63.994 E8.5628
G1 X184.473 Y60.658 E9.6342
G1 X193.548 Y57.757 E10.7037
G1 X202.759 Y55.289 E11.7742
G1 X212.086 Y53.260 E12.8456
G1 X221.490 Y51.679 E13.9161
G1 X230.959 Y50.547 E14.9866
Posts: 1410
Joined: Sun May 31, 2015 6:01 am

Re: Retracts during Vase mode???

It might help to post the gcode as a separate file instead of placing it all inline...

I believe vase mode only works if you have a single outline on the entire layer. If each layer has a single outline then you can slowly spiral upwards without needing to retract.

If you have multiple outlines on a single layer, then there's no way to spiral upwards without stopping and moving to one of the other outlines. It looks like your gcode has a skirt being printed in addition to the part, so that's probably 2 or more outlines right there.

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