I just started back with S3D (thanks for the new updates) because I wanted to try it with my Bambu. The Bambu X1C has had no issues with Bambu Studio or Orcaslicer.
Yet, starting today with S3D I have had this same BRRRRRRTTTT issue and came to check on the forum. I was glad to see others with this issue as well.
I assure you it is a real issue, because after an hour of messing around, I solved it. Then I intentionally made it happen again, then I solved it again.
The issue is caused by the end g-code in S3D. It sends the bed too low. Here is the line:
G1 Z256 F1200
This is not the issue exactly, because the print ends fine. The issue is STARTING the next print.
On startup of a new print, the Bambu moves the Z-axis down. It can’t do that with the bed at Z256, so it stalls out the Z-steppers. BRRRRTT!
I checked the ending gcode code on the Bambu Studio app and guess where it sends the bed? It depends on your print height. It may just send the bed halfway or it may send it to the bottom of the printer.
The difference is where that bottom is. The bottom used by BambuStudio is coded in 2 lines:
G1 Z250 F600
G1 Z248
So, to replicate, make a print using the stock Z256 ending code. Then start a new print. BRRRTT!
To solve it, make a print using the corrected Z248 ending code above. Then start a new print. The bed now drops in silence during startup.
Repeat as need to cause and solve the issue.
I have confirmed this info by watching the bed at the end and beginning of many prints and also by lightly touching each leadscrew, bed, or hotend as needed during the BRRRRTTT!! to find the problem. It is 100% caused by the Z axis moving too low at the end of the previous print and stalling when the new print starts and the bed does its little “drop dance” after bed heatup. The BRRRTT!! occurs at around G28 in the startup process after starting from a bed that is set too low by the previous print’s ending gcode.
So, just make that change and get back to printing.
S3D team might want to take a look at that issue and fix/improve it in the update. Maybe take a look at the Bambu Studio ending g-code as well. I also tested prints using the full Bambu Studio ending code copied and used as the ending gcode in S3D and it works fine with the AMS filament change commented out so it behaves as the S3D code does by not unloading the filament at the end of the print. That is how I first found that the endings were messing up the beginnings!
I am using the newest printer (a week old), updated firmware, and latest software.
You’re welcome!