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Delta build table size wrong (new with 2.2.0?)


I just noticed that the build table shown by s3d is too large.

I have a delta printer and the usable build volume is 170mm diameter and 240 mm tall and that's what I have set in Tools->Options->Machine. In Options->Visualisation I have set the minor grid line spacing to 10mm and the major to 50mm.

The build table shown has a diameter of about 240mm (yes, curious that is the build height but I think it is just a coincidence) . Moving from the centre to the edge in a N, E, S, or W direction crosses 12 minor grid lines but it should be 8.5 (aka 85mm). More curious is the fact that if you move from the centre of the build table in a diagonal direction (e.g. NW, NE, SE or SW) then you cross about 8.5 minor grid lines to get to the edge of the build table which is the right number of grid lines to cross!

So it looks like the build table is too large by a factor of 1.414..


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Re: Delta build table size wrong (new with 2.2.0?)

For delta style printers, Simplify3D operates off of the largest square you could fit in that circle, which is your diameter multiplied by .707 which is cos(45 degrees).

Changing this in the G-Code tab should fix that.
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Re: Delta build table size wrong (new with 2.2.0?)


I don't really understand what your saying but thanks anyway for the reply.

It just seems weird that although I tell it that the build table is 170mm diameter, it draws it 240mm diameter. In my book, that's a bug!


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Re: Delta build table size wrong (new with 2.2.0?)

I have the same issue.

As mentioned above you can correct the display but I don't believe it's possible to then correct for the center position.

For instance my delta has a 250mm build plate. To correct this in S3D that means I need to use ~176mm. However if I want the center offset to also appear correct then I have to use 88, 88. I believe this will start my prints in this location.

It is not normal to describe a delta's build plate by the size of the inscribed square. It would be nice if this could be made to just use the diameter so that the offsets for printing could also stay the same.

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Re: Delta build table size wrong (new with 2.2.0?)

Yes, your origin offsets should always be half of the XY build dimensions for delta printers. So if your diameter is 150mm, multiple by 0.707 to find the square plate that would fit inside that circle (106 x 106mm). Then your origin offsets should be (53,53,0) to place the origin in the center of that square.
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Re: Delta build table size wrong (new with 2.2.0?)

did this ever get fixed? I dont see it working in 5.1
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Re: Delta build table size wrong (new with 2.2.0?)

This post was from 8 years ago for S3D V2, so it's very old. With the latest S3D Version 5, we now offer a completely separate option to define a cylindrical build volume and enter the diameter of the bed directly. You no longer need to use the 0.707 factor mentioned in this very old post.

I attached a screenshot of the new cylindrical build volume settings. Go to Edit Process Settings > Output tab, and change the build volume shape to "Cylindrical".
If you have any other questions about the new options in V5, please create a separate thread since this one was specifically about V2.

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