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.stp or .STEP file for Simplify3D

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 5:01 am
by Andrie
Hi Simplify 3D. Would it be possible to import a .stp, .STEP file directly into the slicer and process that instead of a .stl as a .stp will give a much better result and better accuracy.

Re: .stp or .STEP file for Simplify3D

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 5:14 pm
by jroy
I've already asked for such a feature some years ago. Sometimes I'm wondering why I'm paying for that software... :evil:

Re: .stp or .STEP file for Simplify3D

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 2:25 pm
by jfkansas
Andrie wrote: Mon Nov 06, 2023 5:01 am Hi Simplify 3D. Would it be possible to import a .stp, .STEP file directly into the slicer and process that instead of a .stl as a .stp will give a much better result and better accuracy.
Define "Much better result".... In what way? I get near injection molded results with a medium res STL.

Re: .stp or .STEP file for Simplify3D

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 2:27 pm
by jfkansas
jroy wrote: Thu Nov 23, 2023 5:14 pm I've already asked for such a feature some years ago. Sometimes I'm wondering why I'm paying for that software... :evil:
When 99.99% of the rest of the world doesn't need it.... Even high end 3d Printers use STL/3MF files as inputs.

Re: .stp or .STEP file for Simplify3D

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2023 1:53 pm
by Instrumentation
Andrie wrote: Mon Nov 06, 2023 5:01 am Hi Simplify 3D. Would it be possible to import a .stp, .STEP file directly into the slicer and process that instead of a .stl as a .stp will give a much better result and better accuracy.
A .stp file includes entirely different data than just the polygons required to create a model. Viewing and parsing a CAD file is vastly more complex than just dealing with the .stl.
Problems with bad .stl meshes will still be problems with bad .stp files, and your .stl "accuracy" is only limited by the curve fitting of the export from the .stp in CAD.

Re: .stp or .STEP file for Simplify3D

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2024 11:33 am
by gearsawe
Step files do not contain Triangulated Faces like like STL. S3D would then need a converter to translate the Step into and tessellated mesh body. This would require user input to decide on the "detail level". I have had import/export issues with complex Step files. Where the geometry will fail sometimes on export for a cad program. At least with STL I choose the detail level I want when exporting from my program I uses. Unfortunately not all cad software allows users to choose detail levels on export of STLs.

Re: .stp or .STEP file for Simplify3D

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2024 12:11 pm
by gearsawe
I will say. GrabCAD Print does allow import of Step files which allows to processing of things to be done completely different. since the geometry is not mesh, it allows the person to select geometry such as cylinders "holes" and allow those selected faces to to have specific setting like thicker walls for only certain walls. it is useful. This was a huge version change once it was implemented. As far as allow for more accuracy is not necessarily true. that is all controlled on the export process for the cad software.

Re: .stp or .STEP file for Simplify3D

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2024 12:30 am
by additivepros
Other slicers that support opening STEP ultimately just convert them to a mesh (STL) internally. However, the convenience of directly opening a STEP is far better than STL.

Re: .stp or .STEP file for Simplify3D

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2024 3:31 pm
by Instrumentation
gearsawe wrote: Fri Jan 05, 2024 12:11 pm I will say. GrabCAD Print does allow import of Step files which allows to processing of things to be done completely different. since the geometry is not mesh, it allows the person to select geometry such as cylinders "holes" and allow those selected faces to to have specific setting like thicker walls for only certain walls. it is useful. This was a huge version change once it was implemented. As far as allow for more accuracy is not necessarily true. that is all controlled on the export process for the cad software.
To be fair, GrabCAD is produced by Stratysys, is cloud-based, and is designed for incredibly expensive 3D printers of all material types. It's literally the biggest 3D printer company in the world, and that software appears to run everything. I think they have a few more resources to devote to continuous maintenance of code related to CAD formats.
Seriously, look up the price. You'd soil yourself if you had to pay that as a hobbyist, or even a small business.

I've worked with 3D Sprint from 3D Systems. It imports CAD too, is spectacularly expensive, and I wouldn't dream of comparing it to S3D either.