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Show me backwards parts

So this is not a new issue. I had this back in V412 but I just kinda lived with it.

All imported objects are inverted on the X axis.
-Using mirror mesh on the X axis Resolves the issue.
-Using mirror mesh on the Y axis also works but it puts the object upside down.

To be clear, there are obvious work arounds. But I also want to be able to configure S3D correctly so that i do not have to remember to flip the object imported every time or risk an inverted print. This is especially troubling for prints with any kind of text.

My machine X300, Y650, Z395. Home to Zero. Zero is top, right, back side.
Sure I could reverse X + Y. But the issue would be the same. Also the head rides on the X Axis not the Y axis, as is normal for DIY hardware would wide.

I tried to edit the Device file, and it did not make a difference. I tried to edit the machine definition under output and no difference. At the very least Rear right, is correctly shown as Zero all Axis.

I also tried to edit a few other things like Build Volume and Overridestapespermillimeter in the Device file with no change at all in how anything was shown. This causes me to think the actual settings are still saved someplace else. I made edits trying to stomp out a separate issue where S3D constantly tries to run Z at a rate higher than it can handle, causing the motor to cry out rather than move. I really am limited to F62 and I need S3D to remember this when I restart the program.

This all ties into my request to fully form a sub tab on the machine control panel allowing us greater access to the configurations of our machines.
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Re: Show me backwards parts

If the parts are mirrored on import, then it means you probably have something configured incorrectly in the machine settings. Go to Edit Process Settings > Output tab > and check the "Flip displayed axis directions" settings at the bottom. What axes do you have checked in that section? For most profiles, only the Y axis option is checked.
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Re: Show me backwards parts

at some time in the past it was necessary to reverse Y. However, that is no longer true. I am able to run the program with a default profile, plus number of extruders, heated bed and build area, without flipping any axis. That being said, the program specifically states the axis reversal is for visual purposes only. In other words, if it imports backwards, it will print backwards even if it looks right.

So what you see in the build area is 100% accurate. The plate lowers during printing. For this machine the bed looks right, and the objects print exactly as you see them on screen. However all parts are imported flipped Y axis.
-Actually I think the issue is still TRUE for my other smaller machine, which goes to HOME on the OPPOSITE side of X. So for that machine, everything looks right but prints in reverse.
machine profile.JPG
build area.JPG
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Re: Show me backwards parts

rflulling wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2023 11:49 pm
My machine X300, Y650, Z395. Home to Zero. Zero is top, right, back side.
Sure I could reverse X + Y. But the issue would be the same. Also the head rides on the X Axis not the Y axis, as is normal for DIY hardware would wide.

I tried to edit the Device file, and it did not make a difference. I tried to edit the machine definition under output and no difference. At the very least Rear right, is correctly shown as Zero all Axis.
build area.JPG
So you're homing to XMin and YMin (0, 0) in the top right corner?

Your x axis is going from the right (0) to the left (-300), so it's not really surprising models seem flipped, or is it?

If your origin is in the top right corner this should be XMax/YMax (300, 650) with (0, 0) at the lower left corner if you
want to avoid flipping the axis inside the slicer. Otherwise you'd have to work into the negative space. Is the screenshot
showing the build area rotated in any way or is it the default view?

Judging by the pictures this is your setup:
If you do home your printer on the x axis, does it home on the right side and indicate X=0 with X increasing
when moving the head to the left(!) side? Or does the printer home at XMax = 300?

(All assuming we're not talking about a printer supposed to have it's origin at the center (Replicator for example))

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