Posts: 6
Joined: Wed Mar 16, 2022 12:08 am

[SOLVED] mainsail/ moonraker API key

So just did fresh installs on 2 of my printers one is an Ender 5 plus and the other is an Ender 3 pro. both are running Klipper on a CB1 with Moonraker and mainsail. resetup my wireless upload from simplify3d and now simplify3d is asking for the API key moonraker hasn't needed one before I did attempt to get my moonraker API code by SSH in scripts but simplify3d says it's the wrong API key. does anyone know how to get the correct API key?
Posts: 6
Joined: Wed Mar 16, 2022 12:08 am

Re: mainsail/ moonraker API key

solved it myself I use tailscaile and forgot to update moonraker IP to allow my laptop IP all fixed now

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