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Joined: Sun Jan 05, 2020 9:58 am

K1-Max print ends in middle of print, but machine states "print successful"

I've tried built-in STLs that came with the K1 and those work fine. When I slice something in Simplify the print ends early and just "freezes" and machine says "print complete."
It's almost as if somewhere in the gcode it tells it to stop at layer "#___", I thought maybe I had "Layer Modifications" checked wrong but in new version that section is gone from Edit Process Settings. (running version 5.1.2)

I'm not a tinkerer (which is why I bought the K1), not sure what to do. Is there a way i can check the stl to see why it's stopping?

Brand new machine, everything else seems to be working perfectly, only when I slice from Simplify3D.

Thanks for any help!
Posts: 67
Joined: Tue Jun 20, 2023 10:55 am

Re: K1-Max print ends in middle of print, but machine states "print successful"

Can you attach a factory file that demonstrates the issue?

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