I have an Prusa XL with 5 Printheads.
I tried to use Prusa Slicer but was disapointed of the features of multimaterial printing, a restrictive experience...
So i searched for support in my trusted Simplify 3d for a profile for the Prusa XL 5 Toolheads since it was listet here:
https://www.simplify3d.com/products/sim ... atibility/
I know, that it's mentionned on the website to contact directly to get a non listet profile...

BUT from a user perspective it's a hassle to not be able to find the printer themself in the configuration wizard (i use the newest installation, also made a clean installation in a virtual machine to be shure of no previous installations messing things up...)
This is unacceptable from my standpoint. I expect to have the printers listet on the website be available within seconds in the configuration wizard. Or if not, then not showing up supported or in development. This is just missleading.

When will this be adjusted?