Most forums provided by software companies (and some private parties) ends up becoming a gold mine so to speak regarding the content they carry for future people to review and perhaps find the answer to a problem they are having.
While there is still gold here for versions 3 & 4 time frame and even some for version 5, it seems to be more negative posts recently regarding all the frustration version 5 users are experiencing or unhappy with how things are coming along.
Pretty sure even the post made just recently titled "Road Map" (where I was going to post this) sure seems like that person is fully aware of what is going on and trying to make S3D developers feel shame or something with how they worded anything (ie, give me a time line or road map for something you are researching or attempting to complete yet may have many unknown hurdles to overcome - and you want dates or estimates?!?).
Can we all please stop.
If you do not have anything positive to add to this forum please refrain from posting anything negative. We are all experiencing it and you're not the first to point fingers at anything on this www.
Pretty sure we can all guess the work force or number of people who work for and do the coding needed to improve the software since it's inception has probably been cut in half if not into 1/4 or even 1/8 the amount of people left. And to boot version 5 if I am not mistaken was a complete rewrite from 4.
Enough negative, post positive or just read the posts.