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Joined: Mon Sep 23, 2024 11:40 am

Relationship between extrusion multiplier and extruded volume

Hi everyone,

I was wondering what the relationship between the extrusion (E value in the GCode) and the extruded volume (most specifically width) is. Is it the same equation as below? Do we have the speed anywhere in the equation?

Vextruded / Vfed * M = E

in which:
V extruded = w * H * L
Vfed = pi * d ^ 2 / 4
M: extrusion multiplier
w: width of the deposited filament
H: height of the deposited filament
L: length of the deposited filament
Posts: 1555
Joined: Sun May 31, 2015 6:01 am

Re: Relationship between extrusion multiplier and extruded volume

I don't think speed will change the amount of extruded plastic. For example, if you slice a file and look at the total material usage, then you exit the preview, double the print speed and slice again, I think the material usage would be the exact same.

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