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Joined: Sun Apr 09, 2023 10:44 am

gcode for init clean nozzle

Hi all
in a delta printer when moving down the nozzle which is reached +200 temperature AT home position to BED far far position there will be always some unwanted filament extruded between and about 3 mm to 30mm just before nozzle start at bed position, now i want to clean this by adding some gcode in start to draw a line from most corner of bed to the starting point hoping that extruded filament stick to a proper part of bed, how i can ?

thanks in advance
Posts: 1555
Joined: Sun May 31, 2015 6:01 am

Re: gcode for init clean nozzle

The easiest idea is to enable the option in S3D to print a skirt around the part. That will prime the nozzle automatically and usually removes any extra filament that is stuck on the nozzle.

You could also write some manual G1 E commands in the starting script if you want more fine-grained control. There's a tutorial about the common commands here: ... -tutorial/

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