Posts: 14
Joined: Wed Mar 13, 2013 6:06 am

z-movement "flips"

Hi there.

first, I am new to printing and have 3 print attempts - so I might just do sth. wrong.

anyways...I have setup my brand new assembled M2 running Creator 1.0.4 on win7 (using the makergear config introduced in 1.0.3) and my first print came out awesome. It was the bracelet print that is on the M2 SD card. However, that was sliced before as the card only contains GCODE.

Very impressed by the result I tried a self modelled object. It sliced nicely but when the print started...

...the first layer was properly put down as seen before. After the first outline the first infill layer started and it started to look untidy, but ok. Then the nozzle started to push hot filament along. After some more moves it looked like the nozzle had been LOWERED for the next layer, meaning after layer 1 the M2 tried to print on glass level, instead of Layer2-level. As if the z-orientation flipped mid print.

I also tried another (proven) item from thingiverse (earbud holder). Again, the first layer looks good and upon start of layer 3 (or 2, not sure) the nozzle works its way back down and another emergency power kill saves the glass.

As the prescliced bracelet worked and two items that were sliced in creator did not,I guess here is where to look. Then again...other seem to not share that problem...Please help !!
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Re: z-movement "flips"

This definitely sounds like a hardware issue. Most likely a loose motor connection. At one point in my past I had a similar issue that was caused by a ridiculously quick idle timeout in the firmware. So after 10 seconds of printing a layer, the firmware would recognize the Z-motor hadn't moved in that amount of time and it would disable the current to it. That was supposed to be a "feature" but the poor choice of a starting timeout value led to a head crash.

Anyways, just my ranting, but your problem is almost guaranteed something to do with the motor connection or electronics.

Edit: based on your thread here (https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgr ... 0VyduHrKg4), seems like others come to the same concensus.
Posts: 14
Joined: Wed Mar 13, 2013 6:06 am

Re: z-movement "flips"

Looks like it's not a hardware but a user issue :) somehow my bed was not level anymore (dont't know how I accomplished that) which is why the print craped itself off on one sinde (and then I killed the power so I didn't notice the real cause). After re-leveling and fine-tuning the z-endstop I could reproduce a beatiful bracelet again and will now retry the part that reqires slicing. I will confirm when done. sry ;)
Posts: 14
Joined: Wed Mar 13, 2013 6:06 am

Re: z-movement "flips"

I have sucessfully sliced and printed an object from thingeverse. Seems like the poorly leveled bed was he root cause.
everthing works beatifully, This post can be closed/moved/deleted as it it is not a bug report at all :D

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