I have been using S3D since April 17 and I really love it.
So I recommended it to a Friend and finally he purchased it. He is the type of Guy not having a lot technical or Software knowledge. He's owning an Ultimaker2+ and used Cura in the past to slice things.
He used the wizard and added the Ultimaker2+ Profile to S3D.
Now he has following issues when using S3D.
When he slices a Modell and like to print it via SD-Card, the printer has a warning "this File will override machine settings from the slicer".
I googled a bit and found out, that the Ultimaker2+ Series has a "Noob

But alls it's doing heat up the Bed and then nothing happens.
I guess that's a Problem of the UltiGcode Flavour (What is used in Cura) but in Simplify there are no such Options under the Firmware Type Settings.
In his Ultimaker2+ Profile, It's set up to Marlin/Repetier/Sprinter.
He sent me 2 Gcode Files (1 Sliced with S3D another with Cura) I compared them a bit and like I wrote above there is no Start or Endgcode in the Cura one as it's done by the Firmware. If I had that issue I would experiment by editing the Gcode (generated from S3D) and I am sure I could get it running. But I don't wanna try the risk to send him edited G-codes to mess up his printer since he's not a 3D-Nerd like me.
There are even some other minor differences in those G-code files.
Well, maybe some other Ultimaker 2+ User can help my Friend.
Greez Steven