I ran into massive trouble.
Some printed parts are leaning to the right on my leapfrog creatr, it seems that every layer is minimal shifted in x-axis +direction!
So my parts have a ~88° angle in z-axis not a rectangular.
The glass bed is absolutely leveled and all the screws of the pulleys are thight.
After a few tests I have to say the creatr is innocent!
I even tried generating the gcode with simplify3D and sending it to the creatr with repetier-host: parts leaning to the right!
Generating gcode with cura and sending with simplify3D: working perfect, so it seems there is a major problem in simplify3D! Generating with cura or slicer will lead to no problems.
It happens only at more complex parts or when I print more than one object on the creatr.
Is this a known bug?
Best regards,