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More Speed Options

For advanced users, we need more speed options.

Speed options for:

Small perimeters/features
For those small bosses and holes. They always turn out blob of material.

Dense support
I use PVA for dense support and ABS for normal support structure and part. PVA needs to be laid slowly for good adhesion on top of ABS but there is only one speed option for the support.
So I always end up printing the rest of the support structure really slow….

Gap Fill
When filling small gaps, the printing head uses small zigzag movement which results in enormous shaking and resonance issues.


Unit of speed options for both mm/s or %.
% works okay but sometimes you want a specific value for specific printing feature. We can all calculate the % in the end but it will be easy for the slicer to understand both.

Move all speed options in to the “Speeds” panel section.
At the moment, the speed control is all over the place and they actually override the speed if you are not careful. “First Layer Speed”, “Bridging Speed Multiplier”, “Tool Change retraction speed”…

Change the wording of “Default Printing Speed”
I figured that the “Default Printing Speed” really just means “Infill Speed” (not including top/bottom solid layer). This should change the name to “Infill Speed”.
Posts: 84
Joined: Mon May 08, 2017 1:20 pm

Re: More Speed Options

I also want to specify the printing speed of various parts in mm / s. If the default speed was too fast, the skirt did not settle to the bed. I would like to be able to designate the structure for the purpose of assisting the creation of the printing object by designating the optimum speed instead of the% of the default printing speed.
The following is an image of UI.
無題 (1).jpg
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Re: More Speed Options

This would be nice.
Posts: 80
Joined: Wed Feb 07, 2018 4:26 pm

Re: More Speed Options

I do agree we need more speed options!

On top of what you’re suggesting, we need speed control over top and bottom layers, plus inner and outer shells(and a few others). As well, I’m not sure why they chose % of the default speed over just normal speed units. I’d like to see them switch it to actual units instead of the percentage.
Maybe they can add an “Advanced speed” option that reveals all these extra speed controls.

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Re: More Speed Options

I definitely agree with more speed options. Absolutely in the case of dense supports, but I think all the other suggestions are reasonable as well to look into adding.
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Re: More Speed Options

I agree, we need more control over speed and absolute speed values instead of percentages. The current S3D speed controls are ancient and don't apply to modern printers any more.

The Prusa Mk3 can print infill at 200mm/s but outlines and such still need to be a lot slower (40-60 is what I usually use). The first layer speed messes up everything if the "default speed" is this high, and a multi-layer skirt (multiple layers makes it easier to remove from a PEI bed) gets printed at 200mm/s from the 2nd layer up no matter what settings are used, which can sometimes cause it to separate from the bed. It's impossible to set the speeds correctly for printers this fast.

Check our Slic3r for how to do it right. Every type of feature has its speed set individually.
Posts: 84
Joined: Mon May 08, 2017 1:20 pm

Re: More Speed Options

I want to set not only speed but also acceleration and Jerk.
The following is the setting screen added recently in IdeaMaker.
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Re: More Speed Options

I would also suggest a speed for small solid infill area. Just to reduce the speed rapid back and forth the print head might be subjected too which can lead to skipped steps
Posts: 80
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Re: More Speed Options


That's what jerk and acceleration are for.
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2018 1:15 am

Re: More Speed Options

I would also like to reduce the dense support speed while keeping the normal support speed up.


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