Posts: 13
Joined: Wed Mar 07, 2018 9:11 pm

Part is taller than it should be when using raft after the raft is removed

So basically I was printing parts for my new printer. One of the parts was the x axis mounts and tensioner. The tensioner did not fit in the right side mount so I measured and it was 15.3 mm tall but the opening was 14.4 mm. I loaded just the one part in S3D and it showed it was supposed to be 14.4 mm. My first layer was 150% so I would think it might be 14.5 mm since my first layer (after raft) is .3 mm. I printed just that one part on a raft and it turned out the same, 15.3 mm. I removed the raft, and because I was experiencing issues with layer 1 being too thin and not sticking, I changed that to 75%, so the first layer should be .15 mm. As I watched in S3D and on the LCD of the printer the math added up to the layer number times the layer height. Layer 21 was at 4.15 mm and it said there were supposed to be 72 layers and the math says 14.35 mm. Sure enough, the printed part was 14.35 mm (give or take .01 mm).

I know that dropping the first layer from 150% to 75% did not remove 1 mm of height so why is my part with a raft 1 mm taller than the one without the raft?

Normally it is irrelevant when printing random single items, but in a situation where 2 parts have to fit perfect, it is crucial that my printed parts be exactly what S3D reports them to be before hitting "Prepare to print".

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