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Flashforge Creator 3

I recently bought a Flashforge Creator 3. The only disappointment I have is that it has no USB interface - so it isn't possible to converse with the firmware to list/set parameters.

The only way to converse with the printer interactively is via the control panel provided by Flashprint. However that interface only provides limited functionality provided with the GUI - so full conversion with the firmware isn't possible.

Whilst Flashprint broadly provides acceptable print quality it sucks big time as there is no option provided to provide GCODE enhancements when starting, finishing or changing extruder - you get what is provided with Flashprint. So when the print finishes it parks the nozzles but leaves the Z height wherever it was. If I had control of the GCODE I'd move Z to the lowest physical possible position ready to remove the print.

With respect to accessories there is no glass bed, and bed coating options for the flexible bed are limited to the paper sticky surface provided by Flashforge. However the BIQU Spring Steel 310×310mm and similar beds are magnetic and work well - without sacrificing print area. These fit nicely into the printer without modification:

As a long time user of Simplify3D I miss the interactive and GCODE options usually provided - does anyone know of a utility for conversing directly with the Creator 3 firmware?

Alternatively, would the folks at Simplify3D please consider whether extra options could be provided for communicating with a printer thru an ethernet port.
Posting as a private individual - 3D printing is a hobby activity.
Creality CR-10S owner.
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Re: Flashforge Creator 3

I use Simplify3D for my slicing for the my original version of the Creator 3. I only use Flashprint v5 if I need to use the dual print or mirror modes. For some reasons the code for moving the build plate to the ZMax was borked in some of the firmware versions for the printer. The gcode for doing that is: G162 Z F1800. What I did in Simplify3D was add a line after this command to set the bed to the 190mm position. That command is: G1 Z190 (assuming your print is less than 190mm tall). Now if I do need to use Flashprint to do the slicing I would just save the gcode file locally (as a .g file and not a .gx file) and load it into a text editor. I would then place the G1 Z190 command on a line after the G162 Z F1800 command. That command is probably the fourth last one in the file. I would then just save the text file (with the .g extension) and then send the file to the printer either through Flashprint or put it on a USB drive and print from that through the USB port on the front panel (assuming the latest models have it).
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Re: Flashforge Creator 3

Saving the .gx file locally and transferring to the USB stick could work. V5 now also supports WiFi or ethernet communication with the Creator 3, so that's another option if you want easy transfers.

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